Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] [adv] with " in BNC.

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1 Out of his sack he fished a pair of sticky-rubber knee-pads and proceeded to strap them on with a complicated system of webbing .
2 The components are of magnitudes 4.4 and 5.7 , and since the separation is almost 44 seconds of arc it should be possible to see them individually with × 20 binoculars , but I have never been able to do so with certainty .
3 Er we 'd like to see them out with us to give the company as much harassment .
4 The Health Education Authority advises parents to introduce fruit juices as late as possible and then to dilute them heavily with water .
5 The specific function of the agents of transnational political practices is to create and sustain the organizational forms within which this penetration takes place and to connect them organically with those domestic practices that can be incorporated and mobilized in the interests of the global capitalist system .
6 Not only had its hold been too strong for that among considerable sections of the population , but the conditions of the immediate post-war era were miserable enough for many to compare them unfavourably with the peacetime era under Nazism .
7 Look for the good in your stepgrandchildren and try not to compare them unfavourably with your natural grandchildren .
8 In 1974 , visiting the northern region of the Maramureş , one of the districts richest in the everyday survival of peasant customs and dress , Ceauşescu told a group of folk-artists that adhering to traditions was one way of developing a communist country : ‘ I appreciate … these true works of popular art as an expression of your commitment to maintain the dress and customs of [ your ] ancestors , as well as to weave them tightly with that which is new , … because only in this way will we build a strong socialist society . ’
9 We have grown too good , kind and sensitive to mow them down with machine guns , starve them out of existence .
10 He had to pull himself up with help from other divers who pulled his umbilical , and anything else they could get hold of .
11 I would have come to find you again with my heart in my hand .
12 However , he left the next day , calling later to ask Lorna to meet him nearby with £500 cash so he could go away for a few days .
13 After spending more of the taxpayers ' funds to make the King Edmondo seaworthy , and to rig her out with state-of-the-art marine communications equipment , Coleman handed the boat over in late March to Hurley , who renamed her Skunk Kilo .
14 She wanted to pull him down with her .
15 ‘ The Bank may — ( a ) by notice in writing served on an authorised institution require it to produce , within such time and at such place as may be specified in the notice , such document or documents of such description as may be so specified ; ( b ) authorise an officer , servant or agent of the Bank , on producing evidence of his authority , to require any such institution to provide him forthwith with such information , or to produce to him forthwith such documents , as he may specify , being such information or documents as the Bank may reasonably require for the performance of its functions under this Act .
16 it was the cream of the milk , well you used to like it , well sort of , some people make it with water , that 's why I made it all milk , are you going to try it again with water ? and just a drop of milk on top
17 Erm I 've not done this before and I wanted to try it out with a small group like yourselves to see how we go on with it .
18 The current was starting to tip the canoe over and I began to panic as the boat was filling up rapidly and I tried my best to bail it out with my hands but had little success .
19 Mandy either had not noticed the formidable wall of his reserve , or had decided to batter it down with her considerable charm .
20 My way with memory is to entrust it only with things it will take some pride in looking after .
21 It takes a Wittgenstein to pull us up with a jolt , by saying that this is like translating a chair — not the word ‘ chair ’ , but a chair — into French .
22 Yet this epidemic of self-inflicted slaughter seems to pass us by with little front page news in the national Press .
23 Lancaster slipped off his spectacles and began to clean them meticulously with a white handkerchief , scouring the rims with his fingernails .
24 This bloke they are trying to set me up with .
25 At one time we kept pigs and used to feed them up with the waste food and sell them in the market .
26 The illustrations were line drawings and she used to colour them in with crayons after each new plant had been correctly named .
27 Where did he get the money to set himself up with a yacht in Burnham-on-bloody-Crouch if it was n't a pay-off from Maurice Abberley for services rendered ? ’
28 He says sure , he was clean all right , and the screws left him nothing but a shit-soiled bucket and two aspirin to sort himself out with .
29 ‘ What about asking Albert 's to set you up with a really quiet-looking business outfit for New York ?
30 Legge really stabilized the Philharmonia 's finances and was able to engage you permanently with the orchestra in 1949 as a result of money from the Maharaja of Mysore .
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