Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] [adv] he " in BNC.

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1 In fact my own club stand-off , Jonathan Newton , keeps my on my toes because he moves around a lot , in fact all over the place , and I just have to find him wherever he is !
2 Section 28 varies the decision in Leachinsky in that Lord Simon said that if the facts were obvious , if , for example the suspect has been caught red handed , it was not necessary to inform him why he had been arrested .
3 And then he was supposed to meet her there he he went there and she was n't there and then he went to the Red Lion and she was
4 As he and the hon. Member for Kingston upon Hull , West know , my right hon. and learned Friend the Attorney-General , in his personal capacity as Law Officer of the Crown and not as a Minister , came to the House to inform it how he intended to proceed .
5 We 'll have to say sorry Bill you know w send them down to Dave if Dave 's got time to pull 'em in he will do , if not we 'll you know we 'll have to reply negative .
6 I would like to know what else he wants as part of this deal ie : does he want to cut exam fees ?
7 As Timothy Hutton 's attention was openly on whatever his next problem was , McLeish decided to leave , and to extract anything else he needed from the documents .
8 ’ When you 've finished drooling over him , you might re-activate your brain and help me think of how to find our why he 's here . ’
9 In about 1784 he set up a press there , and founded an ambitious system of circulating libraries ; to anyone wishing to set one up he offered a stock of books , a catalogue , and instructions .
10 But when he stepped out of the Humber Snipe which had been sent to pick him up he found that the building was in darkness and apparently deserted .
11 ‘ If Dino Zoff decides to pick him then he must be confident that Gazza can handle it .
12 But when he went to pick it up he was horrified to discover it was one of Isaac 's geese .
13 ‘ I wanted to hear what else he had to say , ’ complained Tom .
14 Indeed , so he had , for she had stripped meekly for his observation and had allowed him to do everything else he had wanted .
15 If he do n't , if he comes out and decides to do something else he 's well and truly
16 I do n't think so when I went to let him in he 'd pulled himself up round the patio and looked as though he expected to be walloped for being silly he 's taken us this morning .
17 He took it for granted she would be there to service him whenever he wanted it .
18 Yeah but he 's starting to do it like he 's starting to annoy
19 to put it on he can just put his hand behind it .
20 All he wants to do is to get his hand inside my blouse or up my skirt , but if I gave him the chance to do anything more he 'd be so scared he 'd wet his pants . ’
21 It was the first big opera he 'd conducted and he just did n't know how to do that , how to pace himself Incidentally he did the same thing when we recorded Peter Grimes and Reggie had to come in and help finish the recording .
22 Trouble is , if you keep saying something over and over , people start to believe you so he should beware .
23 Right , I was subject to a , an assault that was quite frightening erm in that I was working in a shop on my own and er someone came into the shop and locked the door behind me and tried er to pull me down towards the back of the shop and er apart from being very frightened I find it difficult to accept that I was just an innocent victim , I kept making excuses that this person who did it to me did n't mean to frighten me he , only could n't communicate that he , he , he said it eventually when I managed to fight him off he said , I just wanted to give you a kiss and er I find it very difficult and I had to be forced to go to the police erm to tell them about this because I thought you know its just a misunderstanding and , but it was terrifying
24 He is threatening to fine him whenever he steps out of line .
25 The most we can do is expect Owen everywhere , and be strong enough to match him wherever he strikes .
26 ‘ Chris Patten called me in and said , ‘ I want someone to run it so he does n't have to think anything about it .
27 Whenever she told him she was never going to see him again he wept .
28 If he had ever wanted to see her socially he could have done so at any time , but there had been only chance meetings since his marriage .
29 He never liked the woman , but when she wept and begged him not to turn her out he weakened .
30 Wycliffe was not usually so curt with the press , but he was at a stage in the case when he wanted to be left alone to mull over what he knew and to decide what more he needed to know .
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