Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] [adv] ['s] " in BNC.

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1 GATT is supposed to operate against the principle that , nationalism being what it is , individual countries will try to protect their own manufacturing and agricultural interests while seeking to inhibit everyone else 's .
2 And that would mean having to borrow someone else 's name , and that might be embarrassing .
3 pointed out ) , ‘ The right to discovery is a right to see someone else 's documents .
4 Obviously , the ability to continue someone else 's work is very dependent on how disciplined they have been in identifying work to be done and returning successful work to LIFESPAN .
5 James made it his personal business to know everyone else 's .
6 But er we have to repair everybody else 's bad work .
7 It is a helpful behaviour to use whenever you need to pick someone else 's brains .
8 I was too rapt in my own problems to remember anyone else 's .
9 This , in a classic demonstration of how to cover someone else 's chart biggie , becomes , from the opening gurgling , at once and unmistakably the sole property of The Fall .
10 But once we try to operate outside of that place , and we try to do somebody else 's job , we try to fulfil somebody else 's function , then we are in trouble !
11 Education Authorities can direct schools to let premises to Adult Education and to Youth Organisations , but the budget given to schools can not be used to subsidise anyone else 's use — any subsidy must come from elsewhere .
12 Robyn thought later as she stared at her reflection in the dressing-table mirror and forced herself to imagine what tomorrow 's meeting with Luke would actually feel like .
13 In writing a literary essay , you will almost certainly at some point want to incorporate someone else 's words .
14 I would simply love to try some of the splendid designs available and often feel very thwarted as a designer as I always feel that I must use my own designs — so make the most of not being me as it 's such fun to use someone else 's designs !
15 Soldiers never like being asked to do somebody else 's dirty work , especially if they have been called off leave to do it , and are likely to be accused of strike breaking in the process .
16 But once we try to operate outside of that place , and we try to do somebody else 's job , we try to fulfil somebody else 's function , then we are in trouble !
17 Do you have to use somebody else 's ?
18 I know that some British civil servants are making considerable efforts to improve erm in these terms but erm I think we 've still got a long way to go in appreciating the importance of at least being able to understand somebody else 's language , erm even if you ca n't always erm communicate in it as well as you can in your own .
19 From his period of employment in an Irish pub , Amiss was well accustomed to its denizens ' congenital gregariousness : this went hand in hand with a complete inability to understand anyone else 's need for peace .
20 ‘ That 's the only way to save someone else 's child from going through what Lee has . ’
21 When dealing with all forms of joint undertakings this month , you must beware of papering over the cracks and trying to save someone else 's bacon .
22 Wynn was not a man prepared to decide anyone else 's future for them .
23 It would be typical of her young sister not to be able to see anyone else 's point of view .
24 But who wants to give up a year or more to check someone else 's work ?
25 When one has been used to the nearest neighbours being several fields away , it would n't do to have someone else 's door or window overlooking every part of the house .
26 Personally I should have been quite glad to get someone else 's boots .
27 It 'd be quite exciting to get somebody else 's mail for once . ’
28 And every so often erm the British look at this with a rather interested eye , and you 'll find that erm Parliamentary committees erm there was one on the British Civil Service about two years , three years ago , nineteen seventy-seven , they went over to France to have a look at how the French did this to see if they could learn anything from the French experience , but in fact it 's very difficult to transport somebody else 's experience , lock , stock and barrel , into the British situation , and they quite sensibly concluded this would n't be a good idea .
29 He hides himself in an out of penance , like Christ , to relieve everyone else 's sins .
30 There was something strangely prurient about a total freedom to examine someone else 's personal tastes , but all her artistic antennae were quivering as she moved back inside and began to look carefully around her .
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