Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 To anyone who has n't been to , taught at or scrounged off , a modern university , the prospect of tracking somebody down with basically only a name to go on must sound daunting .
2 Had she been Matron , her telling me to sit down would have told me immediately that whatever her reason for wanting to see me it was not to sack me .
3 On Saturday July 24 a party is to be held in Hitchin , and any members of staff and management , past or present , who would like to go along should contact .
4 One path to go down might begin from the priority the Council had given to its knowledge of the particular institutions : ‘ it seems that we should now begin to build even more positively on this and consider a move in which certain institutions were granted particular responsibilities … the academic board in an experienced institution engaging in work of high quality should be authorized by the Council to reach decisions in defined areas ’ , and within understood frameworks of report and action .
5 Failure to communicate successfully will have far-reaching consequences — bad reviews , the need to repeat a class .
6 But fears are now being voiced that these new safeguards do not make a complete ‘ package ’ and that the failure of one to work properly might have a ‘ domino effect ’ on the efficacy of others .
7 The message Lexy had been going to pass on might have explained everything .
8 I think , well , clearly those people those people who have er those who have some notion of decency and particularly even taking into account the mixed economy that we need to work in will support er the notion that those people who can not burden this kind of tax should not have to er er should not have to partake .
9 She does n't want Carl to come so let's go , we have to go outside cos Mrs is gon na kill us !
10 He who wants to jump out should jump out now . ’
11 Most Hoorays you are likely to come across will have been educated at a public school .
12 On reflection , this exception is probably justified on the grounds that to provide otherwise might inhibit innovation in this very fast-moving field where the existing technology is being built upon all the time whilst property rights still subsist in that existing technology .
13 Four of the highest judges likely to retire soon will replace them with more liberal appointments .
14 ‘ The next generation which has grown up over here and understands what their children have to go through will handle them much , much better , ’ Cecil Williams speculated .
15 Knowing you have a structured interview to progress through will make you less likely to fall into the trap of making an intuitive decision at the opening stages of the interview .
16 It will settle down and reduce Chair , through you , that the , the , the national figure has been announced that the , for the future year , and it does recognize the fact that there is an assumption that the number of people who D S S continues to support directly will have fallen by thirty five percent by the end of this year , and there will be a further fall , and the amount that 's transferred is very much related to here 's the total available , how much does the D S S need to hold on to meet its commitments , and how much is left to distribute to the local authorities .
17 The answer sometimes given is that murderers should be treated differently because they are particularly dangerous : anyone who chooses to kill once can choose to kill again .
18 To go home would have been to face not only the critics but the people who had helped .
19 Although you will never know it , it could be that the slimming diet you are about to embark on will prevent your own children from suffering from cancer of the colon , forty years from now .
20 Those that sought to grow organically may have faced fewer problems of this type .
21 He had to look into her eyes because he was so close to her that to look elsewhere would have been blatant rudeness .
22 The authority has no duty to implement any proposals for redress but clearly refusal to do so may lead to unwelcome publicity .
23 Failure to do so may lead to disciplinary action being taken against the member in accordance with Bye-laws 56–71 .
24 No matter what benefits the salesperson discusses , the buyer may be reluctant to change from his present supplier or change his present model because to do so may give rise to unforeseen problems — delivery may be unpredictable or the new model may be unreliable .
25 Business has come to recognize the need to foster entrepreneurship ; failure to do so may result in a kind of in-house recession . ’
26 Failure to do so may result in the Regional Council reclaiming up to 100% of the registration , course and examination fees paid .
27 Failure to do so may result in decree being granted against you without a time to pay direction .
28 ‘ ( 1 ) A person shall not be excused , by reason that to do so may incriminate that person or the wife or husband of that person of an offence under this Act — ( a ) from answering any question put to that person in proceedings for the recovery or administration of any property , for the execution of any trust or for an account of any property or dealings with property ; or ( b ) from complying with any order made in any such proceedings ; but no statement or admission made by a person in answering a question put or complying with an order made as aforesaid shall , in proceedings for an offence under this Act , be admissible in evidence against that person or ( unless they married after the making of the statement or admission ) against the wife or husband of that person .
29 ‘ ( 1 ) A person shall not be excused , by reason that to do so may incriminate that person or the wife or husband of that person of an offence under this Act — ( a ) from answering any question put to that person in proceedings for the recovery or administration of any property , for the execution of any trust or for an account of any property or dealings with property ; or ( b ) from complying with any order made in any such proceedings ; but no statement or admission made by a person in answering a question put or complying with an order made as aforesaid shall , in proceedings for an offence under this Act , be admissible in evidence against that person or ( unless they married after the making of the statement or admission ) against the wife or husband of that person .
30 They have tasks to complete but their ability to do so may depend on their relationships with centres of competence , both internal and external to the company , providing them with information .
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