Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] [verb] she " in BNC.

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1 Again more mildly , she added , ‘ I wish I could forbid you to go on seeing her . ’
2 The mere fact that Penry Vaughan wished to go on seeing her , however few and far between their meetings , did wonders for her self-esteem .
3 She told Dexter what had happened in the meeting with Spittals and how he had ordered her off the case , and she asked Dexter to go on helping her .
4 And he asked Jane to go down to sort her out but Jane 's scared of a fight .
5 Now that Joyce knew and understood the reason for the onset of her phobia , it was not difficult for us to work together to help her overcome it .
6 Still , his more recent letters showed that Angel was planning to come home to fetch her , so perhaps their quarrel , whatever it was , could be settled .
7 She had told him to come back to see her in a week .
8 And he let her go quickly , so that she stumbled , and he had to reach out to steady her .
9 And then , even while she was making valiant efforts to control herself , because for certain he was going to set about strangling her at any moment , after some seconds of looking at her as if staggered , suddenly , and to her amazement , he was seeing the funny side of it also — and he was laughing too !
10 Desperation to escape also helped her to find her way through the labyrinth of passageways , up to her room on the second floor .
11 I think that Sunday she 's free , but I 've got to get at her , and on Monday I 've got to go up to walk her round to see her .
12 Despite the fact that she knew that it was pointless , Fran began to struggle , pride and a fierce determination not to give in making her twist and turn in his hold .
13 And he was glad to have an excuse to put off telling her the news that he 'd been keeping to himself .
14 I find this very distressing and would like to be able to do more to ease her — but what ?
15 Still an urge to hit out compelled her , a need to try and hurt him in retaliation for the pain he dealt her with his unhidden contempt .
16 I did just at first , because I missed my Mum , so I used to go back to visit her .
17 Finding it difficult to believe how controlled she 's being , Angelica says , ‘ Alina , the police constable 's car is just across the square .
18 She even had the cheek to go around saying she had it . ’
19 I was called away to the hospital so I left her at the house waiting for Nigel to turn up to collect her . ’
20 It would have been very hard for him to have suddenly dropped her after all she had endured .
21 He awaited a reply eagerly and was going to drop in to see her on his next leave .
22 That is why I want to get over to see her and Niazy as well . ’
23 The man is also said to have repeatedly told her ‘ love you , love you . ’
24 Trying to pack up seeing her now !
25 And she 'd , she 'd even get her girlfriend 's mother to ring up to say she was staying there the night , the mothers used to s ring up Joan tell them that it was al alright for er for er Andrea to stay there the night and she was never , she was camping out in the fields with a crowd of them oh
26 Aquino 's decision to press the case — and to undergo a ferocious and lengthy cross-examination — was seen by some to have needlessly exposed her already tarnished public image to further damage , whilst others applauded it as further proof of the tenacious courage which she had displayed in opposing Marcos .
27 Charles stayed crouching by her side and drank the Scotch while he tried to think how to calm her .
28 The greeter was grouchy at seven ; I hate to think how nettled she was by ten .
29 The violence of the denial as she attempted to speak again shocked her into silence .
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