Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 Now a huge one awaited him , liberals looking for expression , eager literati to put in sculpture , worn-out hippies , anyone who wanted to see right done for once .
2 I went to all the customers and offered to carry on delivering for threepence a week .
3 Yasmin is expecting another child in the autumn and , although she will have to make some difficult decisions about whether or not to continue with her career after the baby is born , she is still determined to carry on working for as long as she can .
4 Even if all goes well and recovery gets underway this year , unemployment is likely to go on rising for another year at least .
5 Even if all goes well and recovery gets underway this year , unemployment is likely to go on rising for another year at least .
6 He believed that it was a piece that people would want to go on seeing for years , and that turning it into a film would shorten its life .
7 Yer know , Doll , when I was about fifty , and goin' through you know what , well this Sunday I was feelin' there was n't much left to go on livin' for .
8 I have a good mind to ask you to serve full-time on my reporting staff , but I am selfish enough to want you to go on writing for me these exposés of low life , particularly the way in which such misery afflicts women .
9 Science has got to go on looking for knowledge .
10 ‘ Folly , I do n't want you to go on looking for a place of your own .
11 It also allows the police and Customs to permit accountants to go on acting for a client after they have disclosed suspicious activity to them .
12 And yet , because of a shortage of telephone lines in the old east , and even though the government has a legal monopoly , it will allow the networks to go on operating for at least another year .
13 Give what I hope is curt nod , though double chins seem to go on flapping for ever .
14 I mean to stop hating , but to go on fighting for what is right for my people . ’
15 Charlie Francis is guilty of a sporting crime — of that I am sure — but what about the guilt of those in high officialdom who have allowed the situation to go on growing for 20 years without trying to stop it ?
16 Orrell 's basic requirement is to go on winning for three more games because if they do not , either Northampton or Bath , each with a match to play after today , will nip in for the prize , just as Wasps did on the final day of the 1990 league season .
17 All too often husbands actually prevented their wives from coming to the picket line and there were cases where parents-in-law forced women to go on working for the sort of reasons described in Chapter 6 .
18 In other words , you do n't have to go on working for peanuts !
19 If taxes are not providing the education , health-care and national welfare services that the public wants , will the public be willing to go on paying for them ?
20 I Branches without women rivals now sided with Glasgow in demanding a campaign to exclude women for good , while branches such as Edinburgh , who had to contend with the problem , tried to go on arguing for some form of recognition of women workers .
21 The immediate family and carers go through a chronic grief process alongside the need to go on caring for and sustaining a person who is slipping away , cognitively , behaviourally and emotionally .
22 Strangely , it was decided that a repeat investigation was not required and I was allowed to go on caring for the patient throughout her stay .
23 I want to go on playing for Australia ’ .
24 ‘ I said when I came to Pittodrie that I wanted to go on playing for as long as possible , ’ Aitken said afterwards .
25 After a while I sat down in a secret place by the Cherwell and fell to musing about how I had once myself aspired to Oxford , how one of my lecturers at Edinburgh had urged me to go on to read for a B.Litt. there , but of course the war had put an end to any such ambitions .
26 If she 'd been staying on the boat for any length of time it would have been necessary to find somewhere to go for a shower or a bath , but it did n't look as if that particular problem would arise .
27 The money will also be used to provide better signposting for existing access points to the towpath .
28 Labour 's plans to establish home rule for Scotland will also strengthen the Unionists ' push for decentralised power , cutting across the Anglo-Irish treaty .
29 How can owners , often already hard-pressed to maintain their houses , be expected to find further sums for buildings that are purely ornamental ?
30 Like all scientific findings , mine are actually nothing but readings on meters , printouts on papers , numbers derived from machines ( nothing but pointer-readings , the positivist philosopher and physicist Ernst Mach called such observations back at the beginning of this century ) , which I manipulate to extract meaning and which I then endeavour to extrapolate back to stand for , to represent , deductions about the behaviour of molecules , cells and organisms in the real world .
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