Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adj] that those " in BNC.

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1 And since those countries that have nuclear weapons are not disposed to get rid of them , some testing is needed to make sure that those they keep still work .
2 Many clubs employed ‘ cravat-looseners ’ whose sole job was to make sure that those who had slid beneath the table through no fault of their own , were not about to be choked by their clothing .
3 Instructions should not only advise on the method of use but also indicate the product limitations and the checks and controls that can be applied to make sure that those limitations are not exceeded .
4 The Land Rover does n't belong to me and I 've got to make sure that those who 've given money to the trust do n't have it wasted . ’
5 which brings up the main point and that is we have got to make sure that those people who are nominated or delegated within the terms of the contract , are people who have the knowledge and experience
6 Old age pension , family allowance and things like that , just to make sure that those that need get a bit extra . .
7 One of its principal aims is to make sure that those with disabilities can lead lives that are as normal as possible .
8 Would not a moral lead to be to make sure that those people are paid while we come to a conclusion with the legislative committee about whether that piece of legislation was expedient ?
9 Each application is looked at carefully to make sure that those in most need will receive the service .
10 The important thing is to make sure that those people that have got those particular skills are given those roles to be able to perform that role perform use those skills .
11 There has got to be a willingness on the part of all the groups on this council and the officers of the various connected departments of this council to make sure that those teams are given the utmost support in delivering the youth and community service that the Highfields area needs and deserves .
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