Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adj] [conj] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Jane was crying ; a fretful whimper , as if she was struggling to fall asleep and could not .
2 Their fear was that taxes would not only have to remain high but might well have to increase .
3 Children are very quick to spot this and will take advantage of the situation — and once they know they can get away with anything , you will lose their respect .
4 The skies appeared to contain little that would have startled older astronomers , apart from a host of new observations by means of more powerful telescopes and measuring instruments ( both largely German developments ) and the use of the new technique of photography , as well as spectroscopic analysis , first applied to the light of the stars in 1861 , which was to turn out to be an enormously powerful tool of research .
5 Guttersnipe does not wish to appear ungallant but might not a carrier-bag serve her avowed purpose at a mere fraction of the cost ?
6 In a country where most of us are taught to paddle on flat water , should we insist on putting novices into white water boats which are specifically designed to veer off course and then spend millions of man hours teaching them to go straight or should we put novices into boats designed to go in straight lines ?
7 He says they 've tried to sell more but ca n't drag people into the pub .
8 But Anne is unlikely to wear white and will almost certainly opt for something less formal than a traditional wedding gown for the ceremony at Crathie Church near Balmoral .
9 I 'm sure Father Chris would be pleased to hear that and would be very flattered to hear that as well but erm he 's erm I 'm sure he does try to live by those rules because er obviously that 's one of the bases of his life but erm I was thinking more in terms of somebody who stood up for themse stood up for what they believe in in a situation where it was difficult .
10 They love chucking out the old to buy new and will almost pay people to take it away .
11 I think that the church has the responsibility to continue to find new and innovative ways of reaching out and doing a better job and that is er testimony to the fact that we can continue to reach out to persons who are suffering in many ways , and I would appreciate and look forward to learning better from you how to do that and would be happy to share .
12 Sorry to press this but would you regard the provision of thirty three or forty six hectares in York and a hundred and five hectares in Greater York as being prejudicial to your interests in Leeds ?
13 It may still be objected that , though pupils at school must be in some way ranked in order of merit , the only way to do this that would not be restrictive is by in-school assessment .
14 In Gwent we have embarked on a major study to do this and will be offering a prostate health check to over 10000 men aged between 55 and 70 in a study that is associated with the European programme concerned with early prostatic cancer .
15 Animal Behaviour : Ecology and Evolution by C. J. Barnard tries to do this and can be admired for its temerity and useful list of 344 references .
16 I mean , would you like me to do this or would you like me to report .
17 Each task must be judged in terms of the basic question : Do I need to do this or could someone else do it for me ?
18 The majority of queries fall roughly into two categories : 1 ) ‘ I have done x and y has gone wrong ’ or 2 ) ‘ I would like to do such-and-such and would appreciate your advice ’ .
19 The industry howls , then writes its own code to pre-empt any that could change its marketing practices .
20 The bank 's card record of the meeting with Mr. Colin Perry on 9 March 1983 states , after referring to a possible mortgage facility of up to £5,000 : ‘ and we have told him that we would be pleased to consider this but would require security , probably in the form of a second mortgage over his house .
21 ‘ I have only 18 months in which to get pregnant and would appeal to women to consider donating their eggs to help others .
22 Sooner or later he would be too exhausted to think straight and would give up the fight against himself .
23 However , NCM will need to learn fast and will doubtless respond to the needs of its customers .
24 God grant me the serenity to accept the things which can not be changed , the courage to change those that should be changed , and the wisdom to know the difference .
25 ‘ Were n't you worried when Mr Trueman said that the residents would have to pay more and might n't be able to stay if they became ill ?
26 Given time , Boulestin could perhaps with his book of menus have opened the door to organized cooking for thousands of young women who in the thirties were finding themselves on their own in flats and bed-sitting rooms knowing nothing more about how to make a meal than that it ought to taste nice and should not be a bore .
27 Its report published in July last year , The Cost of Care in Hostels , concluded : ‘ Even hostels offering relatively low care were still offering some care , and had to spend more than could be explained simply in terms of the costs of accommodation . ’
28 Moving seemed to require the same amount of breath as before , which was to say more than could be easily provided .
29 But the chick may not remember these as three separate items ; instead , and more likely , it will adopt a different , and indeed more rational , strategy , and generalize along the lines that ‘ all objects of a certain size , irrespective of colour , are likely to taste bitter and should be avoided ’ ; that is , it would be remembering one item , not three .
30 You had the same problem as Malcolm , so , would it be fair to sign that or would it be more sensible to leave it blank ?
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