Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [being] a " in BNC.

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1 It is like asking a Jew to apologize for being a Jew . ’
2 He 's the one who taught in Ohio me the important things I needed to know about being a man . ’
3 I want to concentrate on being a good actress . ’
4 Although former Neville men were predisposed to look to the duke , Gloucester still had to work at being a good lord in order to give substance to the relationship .
5 One obvious element was his willingness to work at being a good lord .
6 Although former Neville men were predisposed to look to the duke , Gloucester still had to work at being a good lord in order to give substance to the relationship .
7 One obvious element was his willingness to work at being a good lord .
8 They force us to choose between being a part of or apart from the world of our everyday living .
9 It seeks above all to help into being a multi-level network of partnerships .
10 Pupils may be invited to play at being a detective to resolve some mystery , or they might investigate the contents of a seaman 's chest , a collection of craftsman 's tools , or a doctor 's bag , or a lady 's valise , for example to help pupils to build up a picture of the people who used them .
11 ‘ What you really want to know is how long you will have to play at being a lady .
12 ‘ If she wishes to play at being a tourist , I will arrange for a guide for her . ’
13 Was it something to do with being a vegetarian ?
14 But it 's got nothing to do with being a Nazi as far as I 'm concerned …
15 He wore a steel bracelet on his wrist — something to do with being a Sikh , Nutty understood , with rain , and she had Midnight to ride .
16 ‘ Naah , it 's all definitely worth doing , it 's nothing to do with being a fad or something specifically Californian , it just makes you feel better … ‘
17 But every single thing to do with being a Muslim seemed quite incredibly controversial .
18 ‘ I found it quite a transition to go from being a single bloke to being married .
19 This expired in 1978 , but by this time it was such an established force in user education in the USA that it was able to switch to being a self-financing , subscription-funded clearinghouse in that year .
20 One is to settle for being a minority government , and hope to collect enough support each time a parliamentary vote comes up to win the day and stay in office .
21 He would have provided an excellent model for Stendhal 's portrait of the capricious but timid despot of Parma whose minister warned him that ‘ to have received power from Providence is no longer enough in these times ; it requires brains and a strong character to succeed in being a despot ’ .
22 Your wife says you have a lot to learn about being a parent , but it is she who has a lot to learn .
23 The price to pay for being a vessel for divine birth seems to be rather a high one .
24 Punch 's newspaper has to think about being a little less boring .
25 ‘ Girls ’ , he called us , ‘ girls ’ , enjoying his situation : it was as near as he was likely to get to being a pasha in a harem .
26 The Financial Times added that , although Pearson has not plans to dispose of its oil services and fine china businesses for the foreseeable future , the company is likely to move towards being a ‘ more tightly focused media and entertainment group ’ .
27 The link was severed on 1 July and the aim is to move to being a single status organisation by 1 August 1994 .
28 The development of republican publishing industries , for instance , had helped to bring into being a group of local writers and journalists who tended naturally to operate in terms of the idiom with which both they and their readers were most familiar .
29 I have to admit to being a bit of a philistine where flower arranging is concerned .
30 In most professions it was suicide to admit to being a homosexual , and in some macho jobs like bricklaying it was probably asking for a brick to be dropped upon one 's head .
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