Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And Capriati admitted she is not prepared to wait for ever to achieve her ambition to be world No 1 .
2 By early 1949 the outlook was improving , yet there was a lack of will on the part of both industry and government to plan for there turn to free markets at home and abroad .
3 WHAT TO SMELL FOR Firstly notice the smell when the present occupant opens the door .
4 He promised " to work for far reaching political reform to eliminate the root causes which have bred today 's distrust of politics , including ensuring greater political transparency of political funding and facilitating elections contested over policy issues and political activity which do not require vast sums of money " .
5 This is a very simple example ; it is easy to conceive of extremely varied and complex patterns of linkage appearing in various contexts .
6 But you have no right to come in here meddling with my things .
7 ‘ I imagine it is impossible for just anyone to come in here to see your work , as I have ? ’
8 She used to come in here drinking .
9 Maybe the police has made me this way , but do you not see that if you 're going to come in here asking me questions about my family , if you 're going to want to know all these things , I 've got to be able to trust you ?
10 ‘ We have to come in here to look at the picture .
11 We went further down the slope to practise parachute landing falls and ground handling skills — everything you need to know before actually launching yourself off the side of a hill .
12 It was midwinter but one of those strange warm days that seemed to come from nowhere to tell you that spring is n't really far away .
13 It was obviously good of her to have given up an afternoon — perhaps a precious afternoon in these days when all time was precious — ‘ to come from afar to open the bazaar ’ .
14 Corsie had to come from behind to take the opening set when Gourlay moved 6-4 ahead and then laid the shot he required to take the set on the seventh end .
15 Somebody was telling me the Rocky was on R5 the other week & said that when he was with Arsenal & they won the league at Liverpool in the last few minutes , Arsenal were 13 ( ? ) points clear at the new year but still had to come from behind to overtake Liverpool ! ! !
16 HEINEKEN League First Division leaders Swansea had to come from behind to claim a 25–13 win over lowly Aberavon and maintain their 100 per cent record .
17 Internazionale had to come from behind to draw with Bari , while Sampdoria beat Verona with a goal by GianLuca Vialli ( 16 ) .
18 ‘ They stood up pretty well considering we lost a 10-0 lead and then had to come from behind to win . ’
19 Once you begin to stray from easily measured routes and landmarks , you will need to acquire a pedometer .
20 I arranged to come over here to do the research and a name that came up again and again was Munro — Brigadier Dougal Munro .
21 Like a wine connoisseur who only has to sniff the vintage to know how good it is , a cat can learn all it wants to know without actually trying the food .
22 You need to have a line to work to really do n't you ?
23 Most of the scriptures we 'll be looking at today is very familiar with us we know them and some of them we may be able to recite without even looking at the words , but er , if we can try and get you to think a little bit about them , then we 've achieved something , if we can get you to think that , you know , well am I dozing or am I really awake as I should be , then we 'll achieve more , in verse eleven it speaks there about er , you people knowing the season , well what people are we talking about ?
24 P. Oh , my worst day — get up , eat food , watch TV , sit in 'cause I 've got no money because I spent it all on Sunday , then off to work till 2am to earn more skating money .
25 These points should be should be looked into but as I say I take my hat off to infer at least having been loyalty to defend the inquest .
26 Now that Antoinette was dead , there was no one to repeat to her to be careful , not to drop it , to try at least to walk like a lady , not to plonk it down like that .
27 In 1955 Balcon sold the studios to the BBC to resolve a longstanding debt problem , moving his production unit on to MGM and then ABPC , but failing to find at either place the sort of working context that would re-energize his production programme .
28 President Daniel arap Moi 's Kenya African National Union ( KANU ) has learnt to tread more softly , to ignore rather than lambast its opponents , and to appear at least to consider political reform .
29 You will only find out what you need to know by really listening to what is said to you .
30 The fact that responsibility for the juvenile labour exchange system was divided forced LEAs to choose between either administering their own scheme ( with Board of Education approval ) , or accepting the Board of Trade JAC .
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