Example sentences of "[to-vb] [verb] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Deciding which measures to implement needs to be based on detailed knowledge of the emissions which power stations , traffic , homes and industry contribute to each pollutant .
2 The legal entitlement to benefit came to be governed by secret codes circulated within the Ministry and designed to ensure uniformity of decision making by benefit officers , who like their counterparts under the national insurance scheme , made decisions on claims to benefit .
3 In my earliest years at Magdalen I inhabited a world where hardly anything I wanted to know needed to be found out by my own unaided efforts .
4 However , in general , the methods traditionally used by engineers to manage and control the large number of complex and interacting factors contributing to design tend to be qualitative and involve value judgements , the lessons of experience and ultimately pragmatism .
5 There are only three solutions : the owners can decide that the pleasure of having a cat in the home is greater than the distress of living with scratched furniture , or some kind of covering that cats hate to scratch has to be put over the sides of the furniture , or the cats have to be trained not to strop the furniture with their claws .
6 Finding someone willing to give up time just to listen seems to be a problem for many people .
7 In addition the child can become very frightened , thinking that he must have been very naughty indeed for Mummy to prefer to go to be with Jesus than to stay with him .
8 Hard-line street life does n't sit easily with the girls ' culture , and for all their stylish revolt , in the end the only way to belong seems to be to be part of the community of women .
9 The first larvae to hatch have to be fed by their parents , but once they are big enough to forage for food and build walls of mud , the royal couple devote themselves entirely to the production of eggs and the colony is founded .
10 Considerable storage space in tanks or lagoon is required to enable spreading to be done only when ground and weather conditions are right .
11 All those nights when she had n't been able to sleep seemed to be catching up with her .
12 In the 1980s attention was drawn to the small bowel , where the secretory and motor responses to stress seem to be different in IBS patients .
13 But it was probably too late to persuade Bigwig to be gentle : he could only hope for the best .
14 The signal for it to emerge seems to be the low-frequency noise of rain .
15 In 1926 China became the first country in the Far East to permit kissing to be shown on its cinema screens .
16 A market slow to collapse seems to be on the rebound
17 What else she might have to contribute remained to be seen .
18 After a certain point the wants which it is intended to satisfy have to be artificially created in the first place by advertising and salesmanship .
19 With a capital investment fund , and yet here you are trying to have to borrow to be able to manage next year .
20 Single carers who have given up work to care appear to be especially likely to find themselves in this situation .
21 It must have pleased the powerful church of Canterbury , with which he seems to have wished to be on good terms , and been gratifyingly displeasing to that of London .
22 Every historical case of political change or resistance to change has to be analysed , therefore , in terms of a multiplicity of influences , which take on a specific character and significance in particular countries .
23 Furthermore , they were less likely to have applied to be taken on by the firm 's main competitor , which took over its order book , or to look for another job before leaving the firm .
24 There are frequent outcrops of red sandstone and these are sufficiently soft for them to have needed to be reinforced with sections of red brickwork in many places .
25 Achieving regular employment has been one of the most difficult targets for people who have left institutions and there is a marked descent through the occupational and class structure so that , especially where they have suffered illnesses such as schizophrenia , the work they are able to get tends to be of an unskilled or semi-skilled kind .
26 Further , since the previous examination record of the majority of our students was the minimum required , we could anticipate few B.Ed candidates — even if students ' response to what we had to offer proved to be very satisfactory indeed .
27 To have continued to be so dependable and at the same time so exciting a batsman for so long , shows him to have been one of the greats of the game .
28 In sum , then , one can say little more on the basis of the scanty information available than that Molla Yegan appears to have abandoned his official posts by at least 844/1440–1 ; to have returned from his journey to the Hijaz , in company with Molla Gurani , whom he presented at the Ottoman court , not earlier than alter the pilgrimage of 844/1441 but very possibly not much later ; if not to have continued to be a figure of some importance in the state until at least 857/1453 , to have re-emerged as such then , though without , apparently , holding any official post ; and to have died at some time alter that date , perhaps in 878/1473–4 .
29 The Crown applied to the Outer House of the Court of Session to quash the ruling , contending that the evidence it had tried to present had to be deemed relevant , even if not determinative or of very great weight .
30 We know the approximate age of eight English bishops who were in possession of their sees in 1153 : all of them seem to have lived to be over seventy .
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