Example sentences of "[to-vb] [verb] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Scottish Homes plan to continue to invest in developments for both rent and low-cost home ownership in small urban communities including Dalkeith , Gorebridge , Rosewell , Whitburn , Armadale , Musselburgh and Prestonpans .
2 Seek out opportunities to publicise nursing to men and " mature " women .
3 We used to like to go to clubs and I did n't like going by myself and Calvin was a great escort .
4 ‘ That philosopher , ’ said Scarlet , who seemed to have forgotten about going home , ‘ the one I was telling you about , he used to go galloping after women all over the place when his hair and his teeth were all falling out , and he used to write about the terrific compassion he felt for the human race , and his breath was foul .
5 It 's crazy to risk crashing during tests . ’
6 Doctors are warning parents not to treat snoring in children lightly .
7 Tony left the Picture Group and joined Jocelyne Benzakin 's agency because he wanted to continue to work on projects and was impressed with what she does and her perceptions of photography .
8 Although more women are j t joining trade unions , they have to continue to work in places where their bosses are opposed to union membership .
9 he said to me it 's a bit late to go knocking on windows is n't it , and I was like I did n't say anything I just thought well
10 And the reason I ask that obviously I do n't want to go knocking on doors where somebody 's already tried
11 True hyphenated justification and the ability to adjust spacing between letters was not common .
12 Germans had to try to come to terms with the problem of ‘ collective guilt ’ for the events of the Hitler period .
13 Also it ignores the possibility of the brain 's own plasticity — that is , if one site is removed , another may become available to take over its tasks — issues with which the experiments of Chapter 11 will have to try to come to terms .
14 I need time to think , to try to come to terms with — ’
15 But it rejected her claim that he told her to come to work in suspenders .
16 This is because variable scribal usage is likely to be functional in some way , just as spoken variation is functional ( as suggested in chapter 2 ) , and the most immediately obvious function of an alphabetic writing system is to relate writing to speech-forms , however complicated this relationship may be .
17 Visiting friends can be a great help for this , and you can ask them to come prepared with items to read to the patient , or ideas to discuss .
18 There is enough rain in this region to provide grazing for cattle and good land to grow crops .
19 The half-stepping scheme is therefore a useful compromise , since the Vo/V1 ratio is not too high and reasonable damping can be achieved by arranging for the motor to come to rest at positions where two phases are excited .
20 One would have us dismantle the wealth generated by capitalism on the one hand and at the same time ask us to increase spending on areas of need .
21 Apple Computer Inc is teaming up with trading house Uchida Yoko Co Ltd to expand its business with Japanese schools , Reuter reports from Tokyo : Uchida , which specialises in office equipment and school supplies , aims to sell 3,000 Macintosh personal computers to schools in the year from July , taking advantage of the fact that in Japan 's supplementary budget unveiled in April , the government plans to increase spending on computers for schools and other public bodies — it is expected that $1,800m will be devoted to buying over 300,000 machines for schools by 1996 , with NEC Corp and Fujitsu Ltd , the latter with its FM Towns multimedia box seen as the main beneficiaries .
22 The British government produced the 1914 Housing Act in an endeavour to rectify the lack of suitable housing in the Country , authorising Local Government bodies to provide housing with subsidies from the Treasury Funds .
23 Oh they they might do that but then er if you can be selective in other words I mean if they 've got competition and the competition 's advertising they 've got to come come to terms with that .
24 I think to be quite honest , if they 're not interested enough to try to get to classes
25 Hari said quickly , ‘ I 've told you not to try to get down stairs on your own , not with your legs so bad . ’
26 17.46 By building on the experiences of earlier key stages pupils should be made aware of the following range of functions of writing : ( a ) — primarily to communicate meaning to others : reporting , narrating , persuading , arguing , describing , instructing , explaining ; ( b ) — for thinking and learning : recollecting , organising thoughts , reconstructing , reviewing , hypothesising ; ( c ) — using language in aesthetic and imaginative ways .
27 This is a tragedy , for biblical hermeneutics concerns the problems facing any ordinary person who wants to find meaning in texts coming from a remote past , and to understand in what sense they can be ‘ the Word of God ’ .
28 Rufus told himself now was no time to go hunting for libraries , he would go home first .
29 I was too anxious to go looking for birds or small animals which , I fancied , might be caught half-frozen in the undergrowth .
30 It 's not in her blood , as dyke or Jew , to go looking for converts .
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