Example sentences of "[to-vb] [verb] [adv] that " in BNC.

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1 You must ensure when seeking permission to go rabbiting anywhere that you get the consent from someone legally able to give it to you .
2 If they have to shoot to kill so that their children live , they will .
3 Oxford students succeeded , in Fox v Stirk [ 1970 ] 3 All ER 7 , in establishing that they could be resident in their university constituency and thus entitled to qualify to vote notwithstanding that they were also resident in their home constituencies and could qualify to vote there alternatively but this was on the basis that they had a ‘ residence ’ in Oxford where they spent a substantial part of the year .
4 Sunday best pale and awkward teenagers , unsure and toughly giggly , sit around the central dance floor waiting for the first two or three to start dancing so that the rush can begin .
5 unless you have a base to work off of started to do , once we started doing the er , the walls take the scaffold down out of the way and to release some area off our stock pile we decided to back build so that by the time that we 'd done six tanks we 'd got half our area taken up by all that material excavated and just flip back to the drawing here what 's going to happen is that stockpile here .
6 There is no shortage of adaptive explanations for size increase , but Darwin is one of the few to have pointed out that large organisms such as mastodonts and dinosaurs would have been more vulnerable to extinction because of the limitations of food resources .
7 The promised War Risk Compensation Scheme did not appear until 19 February 1915 and their Lordships seemed to have forgotten altogether that under the Merchant Shipping Act the moment a ship became a total wreck , from whatever cause , the wages of its crew ceased to be paid , leaving both sailors and their dependents in " an unenviable position " .
8 He is supposed to have reported back that the war could not be won ; but the United States exerted strong pressure to continue .
9 He is a good cook , believing that it is important for men to learn to cook so that if they marry a woman not too well versed in the culinary arts , they will still survive !
10 Mona Washbrooke , questioned about finding the keys on the floor and confirming what Maureen had said about them , felt foolish not to have spotted immediately that they were the wrong colour .
11 The funeral directors ' lobby is very strong ; I suppose it was naïve of me not to have realized before that they would clamp down hard on any wholesaler who dared to step out of line and supply the public direct .
12 Oh I see , yes and she wants to go to make out that she 's er whatever age she is .
13 It seems to me that he ca n't be that unhappy because he 's currently managing twelve vacancies deliberately , in order to produce underspend so that he can re-surface his car park , maintain privileged restaurants for his erm , senior officers , chauffeur driven car for himself and build a new hangar for his helicopter .
14 Freud seems to be willing to put it this way , and then to want to insist again that it was an actual deed , otherwise the impact is immediately lost once we allow ourselves to think that it did not happen .
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