Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun] by [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 The strength can be variable depending on the source , and it is therefore wise not to risk damage by exceeding a maximum rate of 4 ounces ( 113 g ) per square yard ( square metre ) .
2 He recently met a man who claimed to be able to kill birds by shouting at them .
3 She had to seduce Jim by whipping off a false beard disguise and transforming herself into an exotic belly-dancer .
4 Thus a man may be possessed of knowledge of discreditable incidents in the victim 's life and may seek to extort money by threatening , if he is not paid , to disclose the knowledge to a wife or husband or employer , though the disclosure may not be libellous .
5 Although it is possible to lose weight by dieting alone , combining dieting with exercise will show results more quickly and improve your body shape .
6 We will encourage parents on income support to claim maintenance by allowing them to keep part of it before benefit is cut .
7 It is , in the words of the Criminal Law Revision Committee 's Eighth Report , 1966 , para. 127 , " to combat theft by making it more difficult and less profitable to dispose of stolen property " .
8 The lord president tried to attract support by embarking on a reform of the council , particularly by a reduction in its fees ; but it could make little progress against the obstructionism of Secretary Ingram , who had the backing at court of the lord treasurer , Lionel Cranfield ( later Earl of Middlesex , q.v . ) .
9 Nothing here said denies that one reason for holding voluntary undertakings to be binding is to enable people to encourage reliance by committing themselves to a course of action .
10 Mr Colson , 61 , won the 1993 Templeton Prize for religion for his work as the founder of the Prison Fellowship , which seeks to rehabilitate prisoners by spreading the gospel in jails in the United States and 55 other countries .
11 The jury found Yousefi not guilty of attempting to obtain £43,225 by applying for a loan in the name of Garawand to buy his own home .
12 Yousefi was found not guilty of attempting to obtain £43,225 by applying for a loan in the name of Garawand to buy his home .
13 They also intend to increase yields by providing tractors , pumps and other machinery with their project aid .
14 Through a major media campaign it is seeking to obtain funds by raising public awareness of the museum 's past history .
15 Cheap newsprint ; new technology which made it possible to attract readers by printing illustrations relatively cheaply ; growing mass literacy , at least in western Europe ; mass newspaper readerships ; a resulting growth of mass public feeling , often emotional and volatile , on international questions : all these were now adding another element to the changing picture of relations between the European states .
16 There is no need to attract readers by displaying books in good condition — so that this motivation to bind is removed .
17 We have sought to encourage savings by abolishing the investment income surcharge and by introducing tax-exempt special savings accounts .
18 The budget aimed to increase revenue by raising corporate taxes steeply , increasing excise duties on luxury goods and introducing fresh measures aimed at attracting remittances from Indians abroad and reducing tax evasion .
19 Indeed , it will soon be necessary to increase capacity by introducing a new numbering system : on Easter Sunday 1995 nearly every number in the UK will change — a ‘ 1 ’ will be inserted as the second digit in any number that starts with ‘ 0 ’ .
20 Encourage families to observe Lent by making conscious sacrifices in their lives .
21 Some companies help employees ' spouses to find work by contacting Jobcentres or the local Chamber of Commerce .
22 programs which allow the user to request functions by choosing from a list of options .
23 ‘ We 've got a decent team but no-one here is going to tempt fate by saying what we can and ca n't win . ’
24 ‘ We 've got a decent team but no-one here is going to tempt fate by saying what we can and ca n't win . ’
25 It is the Labour party which wants to increase tax by extending national insurance .
26 It did not want any kind of disorder to be filmed , including unparliamentary behaviour by Members ( or even Members trying to attract attention by wearing fancy dress or clothes bearing slogans ) , and it therefore recommended that in all cases of disruption or disorder the director should cut to wide-angle shots , which would not show the offending incident , or to the occupant of the Chair .
27 After a long wait they tried to attract attention by sounding their horns .
28 2.4 It is Department of Education and Science ( DES ) policy , and is enshrined in National Curriculum documents on modern foreign languages , ‘ to encourage diversification by widening the choice of first foreign languages available ’ in schools .
29 The new mayor of Los Angeles , to be elected on June 8th , may well seek to revive RLA by picking a replacement for Mr Ueberroth from such a quarter .
30 René Descartes , who attempted to discover truth by doubting everything he could manage to doubt , described the first principle of his method like this in A Discourse on Method , ‘ The first rule was never to accept anything for true which I did not clearly know to be such ; that is to say … to comprise nothing more in my judgement than what was presented to my mind so clearly and distinctly as to exclude all ground of doubt . ’
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