Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun] on [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As a result of the progress made , it was agreed to cancel the meeting in Tombouctu but to continue discussions on Jan. 16 in Algeria .
2 General Motors and Ford both expect to lose money on car manufacturing this quarter for the first time since the 1982 recession , largely as a result of overcapacity in the market .
3 Erm we expect to see improvements on chlorine , but I ca n't give you a time .
4 Commentators are also pressing for a staggered implementation , with companies being allowed to report progress on compliance for a given period of time .
5 Russians in mood to hit Reds on break
6 In the mood of schoolboys off on an expedition to plant stinkbombs on speechday , the party set off from Westminster Pier , shadowed by two police launches .
7 Fnac is asking its customers to sign a petition opposing the proposals to reintroduce r.p.m. on books .
8 He said he would also like to see progress on workers ' safety and health , with the adoption of the directives on pregnant women and working time .
9 The effect is similar when a District Health Authority pays a private hospital to perform operations on NHS patients .
10 The ease of use and flexibility of GIS allow the user to perform operations on map data that were previously impossible on a large scale .
11 Then it was time to compare notes on cost with his opposite number in the kitchens ; Mabel Giles .
12 " It is imperative that the GCC countries establish a dynamic institutional machinery to monitor data on oil spills and enforce a sense of environmental discipline " , al-Saleh said .
13 Grove expects Intel to invest $1,600m on capital equipment this year .
14 The Region 's plan for dealing with pollution is said to emphasise action on prevention before the installation of purification plants , but these will have to be tackled in the centres of Venice and Chioggia .
15 Staff at Middlesbrough General Hospital at first tried to induce labour on January 31 but when it became clear Mrs Busuttil , now of West Drayton , London , was not in labour they discontinued their efforts .
16 Most researchers start from the assumption that it is morally wrong to conduct research on people who do not know that they are being studied , and will therefore tell them at least that they are writing a book , even if they are not wholly frank about what the book is going to be about .
17 While SUGA is mainly a group for social events and self-help , the local carers officer , help members to plan sessions on careers guidance for the 50 or so members .
18 They were to stand trial on charges of planning the death in 1976 of Orlando Letelier , a former ambassador to the United States and then Minister in the government of President Salvador Allende , and of Letelier 's secretary Ronnie Moffit [ see pp. 28273 ; 34989 ; 36097 ; July 38334-35 ] .
19 A special tribunal on Oct. 15 ordered the former President , Lt.-Gen. ( retd ) Hussain Mohammad Ershad , to stand trial on charges of gold smuggling [ for other changes see pp. 37965 ; 38288 ] .
20 Libya continued to resist pressures from the governments of the United States , the United Kingdom and France for the extradition to the UK of two Libyans , Abdelbaset Ali Mohammed al-Megrahi and Al-Amin Khalifa Fhimah , to stand trial on charges related to the 1988 Lockerbie bombing .
21 Barry made a four-minute court appearance in Washington on Feb. 28 during which he pleaded not guilty to the eight charges and was ordered to stand trial on June 4 .
22 There 's very little room for the qualitative work I 've been talking about : it it is there it tends to get tacked on to an existing project when the sociologist is brought in to provide expertise on survey design or interviewing or to use a standard measure of patient ‘ quality of life . ’
23 At one time the Peacock Inn in Newhaven was the only place to find seafood on Edinburgh 's waterfront .
24 Judge Simon Evans was due to pass sentence on Elizabeth Marsh last Tuesday at London 's Isleworth Crown Court .
25 THERE is no need for Mr Smith to impose taxes on capital or on financial institutions though : his policies look set to do their damage by knocking the most valuable asset owned by most voters — their homes .
26 The Government can encourage firms to train more , but for the Government to impose taxes on companies to insist that they train more does not take into account the effects , demands and needs of different industries .
27 The report calls on the EC to shift support to organic and other ecological forms of farming , to phase out support for intensive farming , to end subsidies on EC exports and to impose taxes on pesticides and synthetic fertilisers .
28 Geoffrey Howe 's plan was to increase taxes on petrol , alcohol and cigarettes ; to raise national insurance contributions ; and , worst of all , not to increase personal tax allowances , so in effect increasing personal taxation .
29 One course being considered is to issue short-term deficit-financing bonds and to increase taxes on oil and oil products , an idea that Japan 's oil industry has already begun lobbying against .
30 In particular in recent years , the Government 's response to large numbers of people fleeing from state oppression is to impose visas on nationals of that country .
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