Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun] only when " in BNC.

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1 Continence is the ability to control the contents of the bladder and to pass urine only when you want to .
2 Instead of providing a service when it was most needed , the bus companies and British Rail were persuaded to provide services only when the road network made it less attractive for people to use public transport if private transport was available .
3 The two countries ' governments have also promoted integrated pest management policies , helping farmers to apply pesticides only when necessary and reducing waste .
4 I learnt to do arithmetic only when I opened the tea stall .
5 Forming the intention to adopt beliefs only when they correspond to reality postpones the settlement of belief : we are forced to adopt rules which , while they are guaranteed to reveal reality to us in the long run , are not guaranteed to do so in the short run .
6 It is sometimes useful to allow the Set or Reset condition to take effect only when a pulse is applied to a third input called the Clock ( Ck ) .
7 Their results confirmed the importance of capacity utilization in determining investment , in that investment tended to take place only when output increased sufficiently to stretch current capacity .
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