Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 Their tactical decision was equally clear : to borrow money from the International Monetary Fund .
2 This country was bankrupt , and had to borrow money from the United States of America to keep going , and er , Russia had just had a revolution and was still in chaos .
3 If you wanted to borrow money from the bank to , to buy anything there were two ways of getting money .
4 Low tide is the best time to see birds from a boat — and low tide , especially the very low tide of early spring , is the best time to get stuck on a sandbank !
5 Soviet customs regulations were to be maintained in Lithuania ( the Lithuanian government on March 17 had announced plans to curb exports from the republic , including introduction of Lithuanian-run border checkpoints ) , and guards were to be posted around nuclear power stations and " other very important sites which are all-union property " .
6 Okun ( 1975 ) characterized this sort of trade-off as a ‘ leaky bucket ’ , which lost some of its contents ( disincentive effects and administration costs ) when used to carry income from the rich to the poor .
7 The Pleasure Dome is the host for Dave 's blend of up-front dance and indie tunes , where the sounds are likely to include ditties from the likes of Happy Mondays , The Charlatans , World Of Twist , 808 State , A Tribe Called Quest and The KLF , interspersed with a splattering of classic House tunes .
8 The violence of the language used by the chronicler of St Albans shows his hatred of the Forest system , which was so often used to extort money from the monasteries .
9 A statement to input values from the console input device ( usually keyboard ) .
10 Terriers sometimes suffer from this same problem when they are used to evict foxes from the same sort of terrain .
11 On this side of the Atlantic , it has been shortlisted for the Irish Times Prize ( which , unlike the Booker , has the courage to include authors from the US ) .
12 Opposition to the king 's favourite was so soon mobilized that by May 1308 Edward was compelled to banish Gaveston from the realm .
13 Because it is necessary to include subjects from the other discipline from the first year onwards it is very difficult , although not impossible , to complete a mixed honours degree programme incorporating all the ‘ professional ’ law courses .
14 Dobson argues convincingly that as the admission of freemen was controlled by the borough authorities , it is more probably that the increased number of admissions was prompted by their desire to spread the load of civic obligations , and to secure money from the payments made on entry to assist shaky borough finances .
15 In fairness it has to be said that Levin tries to isolate Debord from a purely formal Modernism , and from naive realism ( the politics of the signified ) .
16 The local creamery refused to accept milk from the area as dust was floating in it .
17 The sport is now obliged to find income from the more normal sources of television and sponsorship , to replace his largely unacknowledged private patronage .
18 It is quite alright to continue no enjoy handling your cat as usual and it is almost impossible to catch toxoplasmosis from a cat scratch .
19 But other forms eventually arose which were able to extract hydrogen from a very much more widespread source — water .
20 A consensus seems to have emerged that some kinds of blue-green algae started to extract hydrogen from the planet 's richest resource , the oceans .
21 The aim of a letter before action ( LBA ) is to obtain payment from a slow payer without recourse to court proceedings .
22 In this time of new opportunity , as the Board is making arrangements to move to its new home and looking to developments in every area of service , we 've also recognized that opportunities abound for local parish initiatives to attract funding from a variety of places .
23 By contrast , Britain did not find much support across the OEEC for its proposal to exclude agriculture from the free trade area .
24 It was easier for them to demand money from the Government than argue plans past their local unions .
25 Prior to their purchase of the building , the owner of the adjoining mill house had made two attempts to obtain permission from the local authority to change the use of the mill from industrial premises into a dwelling , but it was only with the current owners ' application of 1977 that planning permission for this change was granted .
26 First of all there was the paperwork : it was necessary to obtain permission from the head of the family , to have a certificate of baptism for each emigrant , to obtain exemption from military service for males , to have no criminal record and to prove how the voyage would be paid for .
27 Thus Lacey ( 1970 ) , in his study of a secondary school , had to obtain permission from the chief education officer and the headmaster before he entered the school , as did Burgess ( 1983 ) .
28 Their first auction in Moscow was successful because they managed to obtain permission from the Soviet authorities to export a group of Russian paintings from the Twenties and Thirties .
29 Before you detect on the beaches in Portugal , you are supposed to obtain permission from the local Captain di Maritimo ( something like our local harbour-master ) , but I could never find him .
30 The purpose was to use the brand name and , more importantly , the distribution network to increase exports from the Manaus EPZ ( Lall , 1983 ) .
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