Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun] [Wh det] could " in BNC.

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1 They usually had in addition the right to gather firewood which could be collected without the use of an edged instrument , and in some cases the right to take housebote and haybote under the supervision of the foresters and verderers .
2 The objective of the Lausanne conference should be to encourage Kenya and its allies to emulate the conditions pertaining in the Kruger and Hwange national parks , where culling has become a necessity born out of successful conservation , rather than to encourage policies which could turn them into the run-down disaster zones Mr Leakey described .
3 Moreover , some agreements enabled local authorities to obtain gains which could not legally be achieved through a condition .
4 Whereas similar provisions in other countries were mainly designed to provide facilities which could or could not be used , the Irish ones were to be compulsory and there was to be no choice of doctor .
5 The mammoth hunters of Mezine and Sunghir made use of sections of mammoth tusk to carve penannular bracelets perforated at either end to engage thongs which could be pulled tight when the wearer was actively engaged .
6 It will also be cheaper for foreigners to visit Britain which could bring a much-needed boost for the tourist industry .
7 Whether such a body would succeed would depend on its organization and funding and whether it was able to create vehicles which could survive in the market-place and be purchased by the public .
8 Officers would perform excellent service if they could put themselves in a position to receive information which could be translated into proceedings before a jury .
9 Before there could be any school in Stockport , it was first necessary for the executors to purchase property which could then be legally transferred to the Goldsmiths ' Company .
10 The estimate was given yesterday by Allan Stewart , the Scottish industry minister , when he urged companies to give increasing priority to markets in the Commonwealth of Independent States to win work which could help to offset the gradual decline in North Sea oil opportunities .
11 The UAHS is trying to identify buildings which could be used by private businesses .
12 But the Bank has always indicated that it would only take such a step in exceptional circumstances and continues to stress its awareness of the need to avoid actions which could be seen as capricious if it is to retain the confidence of market makers and investors in gilt-edged stock .
13 It also means continuing impartiality and helps to avoid situations which could lead outsiders to question the auditor 's objectivity .
14 Europe and America sold properties and companies from Hollywood to Sunderland to Japanese investors and turned increasingly to Tokyo 's bottomless pit to fund projects which could not be financed here .
15 There was also a tendency not to record incidents which could not be cleared up .
16 Arguments against allowing access included that people would not write frankly if they knew their comments would be seen , it could be important to record facts which could not be proved and suspicions or impressions , the child or parent might be made unhappy by a teacher 's judgement and it might impair the relationship or discourage the child , and access would lead to constant arguments about fairness or relevance of information .
17 Talks began early in 1983 , and a ‘ pilot ’ day was held for Bromley staff in April to gauge their reaction , and to gather comments which could be analysed when planning joint ventures .
18 The purpose of the NCLE Working Party was to start investigations which could lead to such an assessment .
19 Q My garden is too small for a pond to keep fish which could easily be seen .
20 In America a journalist was sent to prison for refusing to disclose information which could have revealed the innocence of a person on trial , but prison would not normally be an option in a civil case .
21 In addition there would be some further tax relief to stimulate growth which could then be supplied through home production .
22 5 ) The main priority was to develop databases which could be shared between members of the group and used as introductory material for school librarians who had newly acquired microcomputers .
23 Subsequently , it believes , it would acceptable to export waste which could not be dealt with in Australia .
24 Another option is to develop tests which could tell people if they were at risk of falling under a particular spell so that they could choose their pleasures wisely .
25 If I owe a client a duty to increase the value of his investment portfolio then if I fail to take action which could enhance its value I am positively harming my client 's interests .
26 They succeeded , thus making it possible for me to make predictions which could afterwards be verified .
27 A large harddisk , on the other hand , would be used to store files which could just as easily , and more safely , be stored on floppy disks .
28 The gas was to reduce iron oxide to make iron which could later be fed to a steel works .
29 Sir Hal alleged that Sir Patrick urged him not to produce documents which could have cleared businessmen accused of illegally exporting weapons .
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