Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 It was in fact somewhat of a surprise to see cadet editions of a few of the Hornblower novels published for readers in the early and mid-teens , since neither Forester 's open , smooth narrative style nor his approach to sex and violence could be considered exacting or improper where young readers were concerned .
2 The Trustees include widely experienced people and it is good to see Jim Hunter of Skye — crofting expert , historian and author of the definitive book The Making of the Crofting Community — heading the management committee for Torrin , which also includes the energetic national director , Terry Isles of Dundee .
3 The tutor-organiser was also best-placed to counsel WEA students considering full-time higher education on adult state scholarships ( of which there were two in Northamptonshire at the time ) ; he was also in a position to attend daytime meetings of local bodies , on behalf of the WEA .
4 The protein was further shown to inhibit cAMP release of gastric fundic biopsies and to prevent its stimulation by histamine .
5 The Commission 's role was understood to include supervising implementation of the peace accord , and organizing national legislative and presidential elections to be held in 1992 .
6 With a number of major international partners , including Airbus Industrie and Lufthansa , we have set up a programme to assess safety factors on ageing aircraft ; Pirelli commissioned us to conduct field inspections of joints in high voltage power distribution cables to meet quality assurance requirements .
7 Assays ( shown here and in Fig. 3 ) were done at effector to target cell ratios of 50:1 and 8:1 but only the results of the former are shown : lysis at the lower ratio was invariably much lower .
8 In assay 2 , these peptides and cp29 , which are four allelic variants ( Table 2 ) , were tested individually , again at an effector to target cell ratio of 50:1 .
9 For as said with all three of the county councils not support the taking of new powers to promote experiment cabinet of executive management arrangements .
10 The WBC carried out their threat to strip Riddick Bowe of their version of the world title after the American dramatically dumped his WBC belt in a dustbin at a London press conference yesterday .
11 To promise £35 billion-worth of extra expenditure without the benefit of privatisation revenues is absurd .
12 To promise £35 billion-worth of extras and then to renationalise these concerns — as has been said , it might cost as much as £10 billion — is not just absurd but highly irresponsible .
13 South West Ham branch , on the other hand , was the only East London branch to support prowar resolutions of the Central branch .
14 The complaint , filed on 19 December , stated that the government had had a duty to inform Pan Am of information in its possession that a terrorist organization was planning to place a bomb on a Pan Am flight from either Frankfurt or London , specifically on Flight 103 on 21 December 1988 , and had ‘ negligently failed to inform Pan Am ’ .
15 Community policing will be further marginalised with priority going to intermediate response type of incidents I am confident however that this council will make some crucial and vitally important decisions during the next er budget rounds and the importance of policing an inadequately funded service will be unanimously supported .
16 Beyond this , the Federation magazines served to publicise forthcoming meetings and courses , to inform branch secretaries of one another 's addresses and to provide a forum for members to exchange ideas : for instance an article by George Tweed of Cambridge branch in the Fenland Bulletin of spring 1956 and another by ‘ Cesnoh ’ in the Hertfordshire Parcel of autumn 1957 both stressed the importance of personal canvassing as a means of recruiting students to courses .
17 He is not the first to suffer Kenneth Orme of Walton was fined £700 for failing to show a 50p ‘ pay and display ’ ticket .
18 In an effort to meet election promises of environmental reform , however , the province 's New Democratic Party government says it will create " one of the largest areas of protected old-growth rainforest on the west coast of North America " , covering 33 per cent of the sound .
19 No one entered Harry Short 's house without an invitation and to find Kelly Connor of all people sitting across the breakfast table was like a practical joke in very poor taste .
20 On April 28th the Community agreed to lift the ban on most of the East European countries which were prepared to give 48 hours ' warning before exporting animals and to accept quarantine periods of 14 days .
21 The Sovgeo joint venture enterprise in Russia has opened a computer centre in Moscow to provide computer processing of geophysical data on oil , gas and coal deposits in the Russian Federation .
22 But when on first hearing of this arrangement I tried to inform Miss Kenton of it , she once again refused to converse with me , and in order to accomplish matters as quickly as possible I was actually obliged to write a note and put it under the door of her parlour .
23 The problem was where to position reserves East of Suez .
24 Normally I would never have raised the matter in public but the Tories persistently use Points of Order to accuse Opposition members of misdemeanours . ’
25 Mr Dixon , who is Labour 's deputy chief whip , said he made the public allegation because he was tired of Tory MPs using Commons Points of Order to accuse opposition MPs of misdemeanours .
26 The policies had three main objectives : to increase home production of strategically important food crops ( maize , beans , rice and sugar ) ; to organise the distribution of food to the benefit of the rural and urban poor ; and to improve the nutrition of particularly vulnerable groups ( Redclift 1984b ) .
27 The building — specifically designed to meet operating requirements of freight handlers — features the latest handling equipment , together with a 1.2 m. high loading dock ( with electrically-operating , insulating doors ) which runs the landside length of the building .
28 Mr Graham is to provide committee members of the Police Committee with a breakdown of how Cheshire 's officers are deployed .
29 Of Jodie 's it does note that parking might be a problem but stresses it 's worth the walk to find bar food of refreshing quality offering both variety and value .
30 If you would like the chance to try Lyons World of Coffees , please write to Ideal Home /LWOC Offer , .
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