Example sentences of "[to-vb] any [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But the county council does accept that trends for migration into the county are there and the county council can not turn off the top to turn off the tap to reclu to preclude any further migration into the county .
2 Aims of subject syllabuses were very generalised , no attempt having been made to isolate any specific terminal or intermediate objectives in respect of knowledge , skills or attitudes to be developed .
3 One puzzling decision for a critic to make is to decide whether to isolate any one artist as the leading figure of the group .
4 It is intended that the system of Special Discounts should continue in subsequent years , although the percentage discount and the rules by which policies will qualify may vary from year to year and the possibility can not be ruled out that circumstances may arise which would make it inappropriate to grant any Special Discount at all .
5 The airline had opened the route on the basis that it would be the first of many , but the British Government had failed to grant any more licenses .
6 But shortage of teachers and timetabling problems make it very difficult for schools to work any great breadth into the system .
7 Max Weber 's political sociology has a close affinity with the ideas of the elite theorists , especially Mosca , in its acceptance of the universality of domination , its emphasis upon the power of organized minorities , its addiction to nationalism , and its refusal to conceive any real possibility of ending , or even substantially limiting , domination through an extension of democracy .
8 She expected to see signs of fury in his eyes at that stab but she saw nothing to indicate any such irritation .
9 We wondered if this had been going on since we were moved out of Beirut last May , but there was nothing else to indicate any serious set-back to our chances of release .
10 The results should be capable of being used formatively and to indicate any particular need for support for the child , or for more specific diagnostic assessment .
11 There is no need , it is argued , to postulate any such substrata in order to account for the idea of particular identity .
12 As suggested in earlier editions of this book , a defendant does not fall within either category ( a ) or ( c ) solely because the MIB is obliged to meet any unsatisfied judgment which the plaintiff may obtain against him ( Powney v Coxage ( 1988 ) The Times , 8 March ) .
13 Finally , the spring Consolidated Fund Act authorizes the issue of the amount required in the spring supplementaries for the current year and also the total sun required to meet any excess votes in the prior year .
14 In Essex , a spokesman for the Eastern National bus company said its normal services between major towns were expected to be adequate to meet any additional demand due to the strike .
15 With much of the output from C&P 's engineering plastics , films and fibres businesses going into the automotive industry , it was vital to meet any new standards .
16 The hon. Member for Bradford , South ( Mr. Cryer ) knows me well enough , and I hope that I can convince him that my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State and I will seek to meet any genuine needs .
17 She was not likely to meet any young man , she considered , but nobody had ever tutored her before on how to attract one .
18 No charge may be levied on any employee for anything done or provided to meet any specific requirement of health and safety at work legislation .
19 I think it 's very much linked with the safeguard being that we have got the one year cushion of , of carry forwards sums there to meet any immediate problems within the year , and give ourselves breathing space to , to address those in the longer term .
20 Second , governments became increasingly convinced that the commitment to meet any residual losses was leading to sloppiness and a failure to minimize costs .
21 Although intended to further curtail local government expenditure — by requiring authorities to meet any unforeseen expenditure from existing budgets — the effect may well have been to persuade local authorities to set high initial rates ( to provide adequate balances to meet unexpected contingencies or loss of income ) .
22 At the end of the first week , there was a force of five British battalions with tank , artillery , air and naval gun fire support ready to meet any Iraqi invasion .
23 Although he had only met her briefly , he did not want to meet any more girls .
24 Huszti also noted that bidders would be permitted to sub-contract work if they were unable to meet any particular requirements of the tender .
25 Men who can cling to overhanging rocks thousands of feet above their companions , men who climb into perilous situations in the knowledge they are inches from death , men who are strong enough and man enough to meet any physical challenge , these are the men who call for their mum when they find they left the jungle Formula back in the car .
26 Its steep , wooded , narrow gorges with 600ft cliffs and fast flowing mountain streams with waterfalls cascading literally hundreds of feet are enough to tempt any enthusiastic walker .
27 Although they are extremely unlikely to suffer any lasting effects of the infection , it does appear to be the case that young , highly-trained athletes , such as footballers , are often susceptible to viral diseases .
28 Most tree are unlikely to suffer any adverse effects if ivy climbs through them ; indeed , it is a common sight on the trunks of perfectly healthy , mature trees .
29 About the size of a table-tennis bat , but more elongated in shape , it was guaranteed to scorch any recalcitrant bum .
30 As a result , by the time war was declared in 1939 MI6 had failed to establish any worthwhile network of agents in Europe and those it had were of very dubious quality , some even dishonest and fraudulent .
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