Example sentences of "[to-vb] in [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Zoologists have found the animal difficult to classify in either the genus Felis or Panthera and have given it a new genus , hence Neofelis nebula .
2 It was I remember reading in the paper that it 's been it 's been filmed at a house which no one 's ever been allowed to go in even the great sort of one of these country mansions , it was not Bradley Hall
3 It turns out that our animal was able to see in almost every direction — upwards , downwards , sideways and forwards , and even backwards , because the eyes bulged out beyond the line of the rest of the body .
4 Would could and should they 're going to come in quite a bit .
5 When her kindergarten time was up , her parents engaged a modelling tutor to come in twice a week , and she was so good that at the age of 7 she was admitted to the Dover School of Art where she stayed until she was eighteen .
6 ‘ He used to come in twice a week and was one of our best customers , ’ says manager Moni Ahmed .
7 I can rely on one of my neighbours to come in once a week to check on things and feed the fish , but he is not a fishkeeper and I 'd like to make things as easy for him as possible .
8 It was possible to teach one single set of paddling techniques because all boats could be assumed to work in roughly the same way .
9 This seems to work in quite the opposite way for jokes , where silence , or a comment like " I " m sorry , I don " t get it " are negative responses to processing effort .
10 When faced with what we regard as consummately bad taste , or people who seem to revel in exactly the behaviour we abhor , we often feel revolted , nauseous or acutely embarrassed , as when parents say the wrong thing in front of a child 's peers , or that child is forced to wear clothes whose image he or she rejects .
11 And behind the Browns , the enigmatic Kronquists , now the only other married couple registered on the tour , reluctant , it seemed , to engage in even the most perfunctory of conversations : she now reading Lark Rise to Candleford ; he , the Good Beer Guide ( just published ) for 1991 .
12 The offer is from Essex County Council , which wants to hear from musicians aged from 14 to 20 who would like to play in either the Essex Youth Orchestra , the Essex Young People 's Orchestra or the Essex Youth Jazz Orchestra .
13 Mother used to pop in nearly every day .
14 In the modern individual such a clearly defined and providential maternal version of the superego does not appear to emerge in quite the same way during and after the oral period , almost certainly because in individual history , unlike that of the culture , the oral period does not follow Oedipal resolution and therefore can not build on an already-existing superego .
16 I would drag my pride and joy from a tangle of other bikes in a dark , small out house and set it to start in exactly the same place each morning .
17 Our own bulk chemical businesses vary between some which are very good , because most of the competition has abandoned the field , and some which are very bad , because they are in areas which are attracting new entrants the whole time , and moreover , new entrants who are seeking to compete in either a slow-growing or non-growing market .
18 In some cases the two components of a double are not genuinely associated , and merely happen to lie in almost the same line of sight as seen from Earth .
19 The police are also urging people who keep money at home to have it banked for safety — they want to make sure that people like phylis do n't lose cash that took years to save in just a few short seconds .
20 To speak personally , I might have found life easier , though possibly less interesting , if the English synthesis had continued to exist in approximately the same state as when I became a university teacher at the end of the 1950s : a genuine humane discipline , self-respecting , enjoyable , expanding , with methods that were established and familiar , if subject to variation between the different emphases associated with Oxford and Cambridge .
21 James Cable claims that without " persistent British efforts the Geneva Conference would never have been held , allowed to continue , or permitted to end in even the limited measure of agreement actually achieved " over the future of Indo-China .
22 If the wind can be trusted to stay in much the same direction , safe parking is an easy matter .
23 As a course this demands a very full timetable , but it offers strongly-motivated students an opportunity to develop in parallel the intellectual and practical sides of their study of art .
24 This all calls for a fundamental re-think of your playing style , but one that is not impossible to master in just a short while .
25 These stress trajectories can be thought of , more or less , as strings under tension and they will try to straighten in much the same way .
26 She was familiar enough with the garden by this time to return in only a few minutes with sheafs of colourful tropical blooms , and she arranged them in two big vases to make riotously informal bunches of colour that lacked classical form but would , she hoped , be pleasing to Faye 's artistic eye .
27 Holding the idea that we are good , that we are lovable , that we are cared for , seems to act in much the same way as a tranquillizer .
28 Moneylenders were registered ; subject to some conditions over the way they did business ; they were able to advertise in only a very restricted way ( for example , they were not allowed to mention interest rates or repayment schedules ) ; and courts could re-open their loans , setting new terms , if they charged excessive interest and the original terms were ‘ harsh and unconscionable ’ .
29 My line of billions of typists would n't , therefore , cause the original message to degenerate in quite the simple way that I portrayed .
30 Puzzled , I asked her to bring in both the carriage and the sinker plate to class .
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