Example sentences of "[to-vb] or [vb infin] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A striking example of their dissociation is provided by the following exchange : on the one hand , Runciman takes it for granted that methodological individualism is ‘ now generally conceded to be almost trivially true ’ , while on the other Torrance asserts that ‘ In so far as methodological individualism is true it is trivial and irrelevant to sociology , while in so far as it is used to curb or dictate explanatory methods it is either incoherent or false ’ .
2 My own line is studying the effect of lasers on chemical reactions to see if lasers can be used to stimulate or generate new novel types of chemical process .
3 the attaching or refusal to attach a condition under s.38(3) or 5.101(2) of the Act , the right of appeal being conferred on applicants and unsuccessful competent objectors who appeared at the hearing ( s. 17(6) ) , a refusal to affirm or declare final a provisional grant ( s.26(10) ) , the right of appeal being limited to the applicant , the making of a suspension order ( s.31(8) ) or a closure order ( s.32(7) , the right of appeal being limited to the licence-holder ) , the suspending of a licence under s.36 where the licence-holder fails to execute structural alterations , the refusal to cancel such a suspension ( s.36(8) , the right of appeal being limited to the licence-holder ) , the decisions referred to in 5.44 relating to seamen 's canteens ( the right of appeal being limited to the licence-holder or the applicant ) , the making of a restriction order ( s.65(8) ) , the right of appeal being limited to the registered club , or licence-holder concerned and any complainer who appeared at the hearing , the granting or refusal of an application by a public house licence-holder for Sunday opening at the premises ( the right of appeal being conferred on both an unsuccessful applicant and an unsuccessful objector ( Sched. 4 , Part I , paras .
4 Continued haemorrhage — ( a ) if the volume of intravenous fluids required to restore or maintain haemodynamic stability was greater than 1000 ml/hour or 3000 ml/12 hours , ( b ) fresh haematemesis and , ( c ) haematemesis or melaenas in association with a fall in packed cell volume greater than 5% in a 24 hour period , two days after admission .
5 The research examines to what extent this is the case and what , ( if any ) strategies are being adopted by British clothing manufacturers to restore or maintain international competitiveness .
6 There is a need to offer them opportunities in initial and in-service professional development to acquire or improve relevant skills .
7 A further aspect of the family , linking these ideas of privacy , home and self-expression , has received considerable attention in the last few decades with the growth of popular psychology manuals on how to enjoy or improve married sex and , more recently , encounter groups and sexual therapy .
8 … RENFE avoided all confrontations with the workforce , in the attempt to ensure that people no longer talked in terms of fascists and non-fascists but at the most in terms of left-wing and right-wing , in other words the company managed to dilute or avoid social and political tensions resulting from the transition ( fieldnotes ) .
9 It is unable to gather or transmit audio-visual material . ’
10 The technique can also be used to confirm or refute current theories .
11 Councils and housing associations will be allowed to lease or buy empty homes in order to provide accommodation for homeless people .
12 Police Force decisions to caution or prosecute juvenile offenders , however , show a wide variation with some areas cautioning twice the proportion of juveniles as others .
13 This has the further benefit of helping to sustain or extend current routines through various kinds of provision .
14 The demand for control of our landscapes , or environment , in order to preserve or create pleasant amenities has been due to the work of many people organised in groups .
15 It was not possible to resell or rebottle hot whiskies .
16 The Governing Body has decided that the income from this fund , which is used according to the By-Law to provide Edith Haynes Scholarships for either undergraduates or graduates of the College at the discretion of the Governing Body , will for the present be available to make grants in the first instance to mature graduates of the College who wish to continue or resume academic work , and are ineligible for State Studentships , or similar public support , by reason of age or inability to meet the requirement of residence in the U. K. Should no such applicant come forward , graduates of another university who are or have been members of the College reading for a further degree will be considered eligible .
17 Comparative findings might be used for normative , or even polemical , purposes in order to support or oppose certain aspects of a country 's domestic industrial relations policy .
18 It is pointless to deny that a dictatorship can rest on popular support , or that under certain circumstances a majority of the people can be persuaded to support or endorse illiberal and anti-democratic policies .
19 In addition to logging defined in this manner it is possible to enable or disable automatic logging of many of the process modelling activities .
20 The basic purposes of pruning are two-fold : first , to divert and concentrate sap flow and energy into the buds and shoots that will grow in the direction we want , to promote or provoke new growth from dormant buds , and to better utilize energy by removing growth that has borne bloom , will not bear more , and can not make worthwhile contribution to the plant 's processes ; and secondly , surgically to remove dead , diseased and infected wood .
21 Between these extremes there is a whole range of means which are employed to promote or resist political change : the reproduction of a dominant ideology , which Bourdieu and Passeron ( 1977 ) call ‘ symbolic violence ’ , and the elaboration and diffusion of counter-ideologies ; economic coercion of various kinds , exercised on both a national and international scale , by governments , large corporations and international agencies ( for example , through economic sanctions against particular countries , through the lending policies of such agencies as the International Monetary Fund , and through the investment policies of banks and multinational corporations ) ; protest movements , more or less peaceful demonstrations , and political strikes .
22 As we have seen , in a large number of colonies the authorities had been involved in publishing newspapers , Using both the colonial and local languages , they had tried to put over the official point of view , often in an attempt to forestall or counter alternative interpretations and opinions .
23 These include the development of trade practices which become implied terms of the contract , the use of exclusion clauses purporting to modify or exclude particular duties , and the making of advance disclosure of particular activities which would otherwise amount to breaches of duty .
24 In November 1990 , the Government conceded that the Immigration ( Carriers Liability ) Act and associated visa requirements ‘ do indeed prevent some asylum seekers from coming to the UK ’ , but further stated that it ‘ has no obligation to encourage or assist would-be asylum seekers … to come here and enter our procedures ’ .
25 The objective is to cultivate the willingness to accept or ignore personal risk ( Page , 1987 ) .
26 HARDCOPY VERIFIER Once the user has decided whether to accept or reject hard copy volumes , this interactive program , HCVERIFY.EXE , is run to inform the hard copy system of the decision .
27 For decades the main aim of every enterprise was to meet or exceed government-set output targets rather than to improve production methods .
28 However , the severity of this rule is mitigated by section 3 of the Defamation Act 1952 which provides that in an action for malicious falsehood it shall not be necessary to allege or prove special damage if the words upon which the action is founded are calculated to cause pecuniary damage to the plaintiff and are published in writing or other permanent form .
29 Throttle control is n't enough on its own to do this and riders play a treacherous and delicate juggling act , weighting the footrests , shifting body weight and manipulating the throttle to increase or decrease rear tyre grip as required .
30 There are no longer legal immunities for industrial action aiming to establish or maintain closed shop practices , nor for employer coercion tactics compelling workers to unionize .
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