Example sentences of "[to-vb] by her [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Presumably not the minor detail that young Anne was a designing little minx who married Henry in cold blood to further her own ambitions — and then did n't even have the sense or decency to stand by her bargain . ’
2 And once she 'd had the her arms in the dough , I had to stand by her side just to feed a drop of water gently .
3 When Manfro detached himself from the other men and came to walk by her side , Topaz glared at him .
4 She had elected to keep the group to women only , instead of employing a male model to act as bridegroom , but as she came out of the dressing-room she would have welcomed someone to walk by her side .
5 She held Dot up to the mirror and Dot saw the greyish rivulets where tears had run down her cheeks and been smudged to grey by her hands .
6 Thus , Field J. postulated the case of a wife in poor health who refused intercourse and who was forced to comply by her husband who enlisted the aid of a third party to subdue her .
7 Mike Monro , defending , said his client had had a strict upbringing , having to do what she was ordered to do by her parents .
8 ‘ Oh dear , you and your girlfriends … well , perhaps Tory could come too ? ’ she looked enquiringly at Marie , who admitted that Victoria had been considered too young to ride by her parents .
9 When the mother approaches the nest where the kittens are hiding , letting them know that there is nothing to fear by her approach .
10 ‘ Dock leaves , ’ he explained briefly as he returned to kneel by her side .
11 Thatcher was four votes short of outright victory ; she wanted to fight on , but was told to go by her cabinet ( the same loyal troupe that now surrounds Major ) .
12 It was too dark in the small room to see by her expression if Isabel remembered also , but he knew she did .
13 The light seemed to die about her , leaving her to see by her senses only .
14 Dot pushed back the blanket , slid off Gloria 's lap and moved back to sit by her window .
15 Nessie went to sit by her son and Nellie turned again to the window .
16 It was him above all she would be trying to impress by her break with convention — impress in a quite futile way , because it was obvious that he and Clare were permanently attached .
17 Later , however , she resisted the creditor 's attempts to enforce the security on the ground , first , that the document was void as being an unregistered bill of sale and , secondly , that she had been procured to sign by her husband 's undue influence and had had no independent advice .
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