Example sentences of "[to-vb] at [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The ability to communicate at all levels , and to retain the confidence of your clients is vital ; you have to work with each other , so this confidence must exist and must override any personality clashes .
2 I am afraid this is all very complicated and difficult to untangle at short notice , but I hope , nonetheless , that it is of some help .
3 Cutting the mids helped knock out the troublesome frequencies , but the sound did suffer , since it 's often the mid frequencies that you need to increase at higher volumes to prevent that harsh , trebly electro-acoustic sound .
4 Their study shows that every $10 of interest payments per year and per person means 142 days less of life on average , had life expectancy continued to increase at pre-debt crisis rates .
5 In November he was able to lecture at Central Hall , Westminster , on " The Three Voices of Poetry " — in the recording of that address , his clipped and precise speech , almost professorial in character , can be heard — but it was to be his last major engagement for many months .
6 I knew both of them very well from my Lincoln days and had agreed to lecture at this school .
7 Halon production is only required to freeze at 1986 levels by 1992 ; no direct cuts are to be implemented .
8 The fact that timing of the first births is closely related to age at first marriage or union is documented in Fig 1 .
9 El conde hovered over his kingdom like an eagle , sharp-eyed and cold , ready to swoop at any moment .
10 A group of like-minded individuals used to meet at each other 's house on a Monday nearest the full moon .
11 When we could find nowhere to meet at short notice , the WTN local , The Crown and Sceptre , said that we could use the kitchen upstairs .
12 Situation : A and B are friends who had planned to meet at 6 o " clock last night to see a film .
13 Several times while I was at Magdalen he had me to dine at All Souls with its distinguished Fellows .
14 That old bugger Grunte had not included him in the invitation to dine at some poncy joint called La Noblesse , the smartest part of the Hospitality Inn .
15 It was in that personal role that he had been summoned to dine at short notice .
16 The target word that the user intended to write at each position is also known and stored in a file .
17 I thought it particularly nice of them to write at such length , as I had mistakenly called Roy Griffiths Mister !
18 The fog-horn , its sound now muffled by the houses , continued to bleat at regular intervals .
19 What it is important to establish at this juncture is Nizan 's systematic refusal to countenance any form of public criticism of the internal running of the Soviet state between 1935 and 1939 .
20 Here the position that the plaintiff seeks to establish at common law is broadly consistent with the legislative policy evidenced by the Act of 1976 .
21 I mean the idea of course is to try at some stage and run a trainer trainer 's course , so that we expand the number of people who can who can do the training .
22 Whilst your forthcoming weekend will naturally provide you with the ideal opportunity to discover at first hand the delights of owning your own Highland retreat , I can assure you there is absolutely no commitment .
23 Choose three or four and pick the ones that most need correcting , that is , the words the pupil ought to be able to spell at this stage ( see What goes wrong ? , page 6 ) .
24 It is only necessary to indicate at each stage which proven solution will be used in the next stage .
25 A spokesman for Astra said he did not wish to comment at this stage .
26 Ian Ross , finance director , said : ‘ It is difficult to comment at this stage , because management have an interest .
27 This was a little unfortunate , the topic being one close to his lordship 's heart and one he was inclined to explicate at some length .
28 The best time to see the Lakes he felt was not necessarily high summer , and he recommended people to come at all times of the year so that they might appreciate the great torrents of water after rain and misty light on cloudy days .
29 It means that the stressed syllables in an utterance tend to come at regular intervals with a varying number of less stressed syllables in between .
30 For all her encouragement to them to come at any time to her house , Rose herself was wary of calling at Great Meadow .
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