Example sentences of "[to-vb] they and [pron] " in BNC.

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1 There is then no longer them and us , for the mind has expanded to include them and us in one larger us .
2 He 's aware of concern expressed by Parish Council and he 's going to see them and he will be very happy to come and er speak to us and answer any questions that we wish him to , so I advised him to contact the clerk to make arrangements .
3 All they needed was water to reconstitute them and there was definitely going to be no shortage of that particular commodity .
4 Edward I , as duke of Aquitaine , was particularly sought after by Gascon nobles as a patron of knighthood , prepared to gird them and their sons with the sword which was the symbol of their order .
5 Notice of the time and place of the proceedings must , on request , be sent to the requesting authority , or direct to the parties , to enable them and their representatives to be present .
6 You have to drive them and they 've nothing on their heads .
7 Reasonably , but they 've , they 've got to wear them and they 're not allowed to wear T-shi T-shirts with no sleeves on and , certain rules and regulations for
8 He does n't know how to wear them and he does n't know who to ask .
9 The Executive Committee invited William Black to meet them and I , too , was asked to attend and speak .
10 During the first few weeks , it 's important that you spend as much time as possible with a new resident , getting to know them and their family and working on their care plan .
11 Singer Sonia on the short list for the Eurovision Song Contest I THINK that the public gets cross when people try to frighten them and they will just say : ‘ Stuff it , I 'm going shopping . ’
12 And what he used to do in this , he had a string in the and er he could the string put some some er crumbs in the in the er in a and the birds go in and he used to he used to catch them and we used to kill them and pluck them you know .
13 There are two factors to worry them and one was the quality of crosses at Ibrox .
14 Any you 've come across recently and somebody asked you to spell them and you 've thought Oh I have n't got
15 And I had to clean them and I had to get a bucket of water and sluice it down with a hard broom and .
16 I do n't understand sometimes , like with nightmares , but like I ca n't seem to remember them and I left .
17 One of the gunmen shouted , ‘ We are going to shoot Bruce Harris and take photographs of all the staff and we are going to shoot them and their children . ’
18 Aye well , you might be , the upper half of you , but you 've got to reach them and you do it with your tongue .
19 But when he did nothing to help them and they were defeated by troops loyal to Saddam , they decided the West no longer supported them .
20 It 's a terrible thing to see someone unhappy when you want to help them and you ca n't .
21 It is possible for a standard church insurance policy to be extended to cover them and their equipment for other locations and for travel .
22 We are very anxious to trace them and we would like them to come forward . ’
23 It 's too far to walk them and it 's , it 's up hill all the way in that , with that chariot
24 When a message came from a friend in Prague that their mother had disappeared , Miss Harder did everything she could to console them and they became very close .
25 Do you know that in the last twelve months er we 've produced or the office has produced , twelve hundred twelve hundred reports to committees at an average cost of six hundred pounds each and that 's just in officer time in writing them , nothing to do with the paper they were printed on , the cost of printing , the cost of distribution , the cost of our time to discuss them and our attendance allowance .
26 This is not just about forms ; it is about telling people about all the available services , explaining properly how to use them and what to do when things go wrong .
27 And the other reason they do n't want to turn up is primarily because they do know that we have compulsory purchase powers and the planning — the paper put forward by the Chief Planning Officer today was a vindication of wage for a good many years , a good many months rather , that we do have compulsory purchase powers and we are able to use them and it was specifically asked at the Panel today , by both Monty Finnist and Sir Monty Finnist and Tony Christopher , why does n't the City Council market this site and use its compulsory purchase powers and that 's one question to address tomorrow as a politician who could make that decision .
28 Oh yes , they 've paid for th all the workmen coming to do them and everything .
29 ‘ You know , the headmaster is quite right , you ca n't tell a teacher what you 're going to do … for your own good some time son you 're going to have to learn the lesson that there are people who can force you to do things and you 're going to have to do them and you 've got no choice . ’
30 And I find this challenging , these talks , which is why I was n't at all sorry to be asked to do so and why I continue to do them and I enjoy giving the , I enjoy meeting people , I meet an awful lot of , of nice people .
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