Example sentences of "[to-vb] that we have " in BNC.

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1 to know that we 've got something tied up
2 ‘ Well , I 'm glad to know that we 've achieved that much at least , ’ she snapped .
3 I know it will give as much joy and satisfaction to you as it will to me , to know that we have played our part in this great crusade for children 's health .
4 And you may like to know that we have not neglected the infant 's biological need to suckle .
5 It 's good to know that we have such capable luthiers in the country , bearing in mind the present overall despondency caused by the recession , and especially when the price of such individuality is so reasonable …
6 We like to know that we have financial security , family security and health security .
7 When people go out and buy a Jeff Banks , I want them to know that we have really bothered . ’
8 Christians are meant not only to believe in Jesus , but to know that we have eternal life ( 5:13 ) and it is the task of the Spirit to bring this quiet confidence home to us .
9 He will be glad to know that we have set up a noise review working party and that one of the issues that it has been considering is traffic noise and how to deal with it more effectively .
10 I do n't know why , but it seemed important to me to establish that we have n't any fuse-boxes ( and indeed we have n't ) , but she would n't allow this and was quite stern with me about it as if I were deliberately lying to her .
11 Sorry I 've had to juggle that we 've got some new documentation just being prepared for that but that 's being er .
12 I put in the usual request for official clearance through the valve and was pleased to find that we had got lucky .
13 People like me in the past used to rail that we had commercial enterprises using the college .
14 With the advances in information technology , answers to many questions could be delivered in minutes , not just on industrial issues , like how cold does it have to be before we stop work , or how heavy a load should I lift , but other questions not related to work that we have not always answered in the past .
15 Sometimes he 's so determined he 's not going to go that we have to forcibly put him out of the door and get him into the car and get him there somehow .
16 With all the uncertainty and anxiety in our industry at the moment , it 's good to see that we 've not forgotten the needs of African farmers who anxieties are often far more acute than our own .
17 However , as we become more emotionally mature , we begin to see that we have been hurt by the inconsistencies of our parents .
18 Not unless B S I we to were to exs , expect to see that we have audited everything before they came .
19 We had to repossess what fate had handed us on a plate , and the only way to do this was to claim that we had willed it all along .
20 A possible way of arguing against a causal theory of justification would be to claim that we have no guarantee that there is only one way in which beliefs come to be justified , and in particular no real reason for supposing that any acceptable way must somehow be causal , so that all justified beliefs that p must be caused by relevant facts .
21 Therefore it is nonsense for the Opposition to claim that we have done nothing at all about the problems of retraining .
22 The hon. Gentleman is unfair to claim that we have said that we shall not take action .
23 Er can I just respond briefly to Mr 's first point to confirm that we 've absolutely no objection to a more detailed set of criteria being included in the plan than is contained in P P G three .
24 But er I just wanted to confirm that we 've no objection to more detailed set of criteria being included .
25 I am pleased to report that we have achieved on increase in profit in the year .
26 In my first year as chairman I am delighted to report that we have again achieved outstanding results , and we have increased the gap between ourselves and our nearest competitors .
27 And it 's important for our staff to be aware of that , and to realize that we have got ta continue to give , those two clients I believe in particular , the best possible service we can provide .
28 And , perhaps going back a bit and looking at the history of the last ten years , it is important to realize that we have developed small centres as well as large ones .
29 And that is a terrible terrible thing that we 've all got to face , but I think we have to realize that we have the potential , we have the ability of saving the lives of fifty million children , and the world 's leaders at the conference , at the summit over the weekend , actually turned their minds for an instant , away from all those economic and political problems and focused on this , and I think that that was tremendously important .
30 One constable had the temerity to state that we had had nothing to eat since 9.30 a.m .
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