Example sentences of "[to-vb] that it has " in BNC.

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1 Man himself has to decide on the nature of ‘ goodness ’ , and to accept that it has to be found within the life on earth as it actually is .
2 After that claim it is good to know that it has a — precision quartz movement ’ that rotates the hour , minute and second discs .
3 ‘ And now it 's a wonderful feeling to know that it has enabled me to look at the top guys knowing there are only a few ahead of me .
4 The Labour party does not like to know that it has been rumbled .
5 It is a good idea to turn the main stopcock off and on once or twice each year to keep its mechanism free and not wait for an emergency to discover that it has jammed open .
6 AMERICA expects to wake up two days from now to find that it has a new President .
7 If you are playing Dwarf Wars , for example , the adventurers might reach Hargrim 's tomb only to find that it has been defiled and looted .
8 When Margaret returns once more to Helstone , educated in reality by the industrial north , she is still grieved to find that it has disappeared and that a new one , tidy and respectable , has been built in its place .
9 When the overconstrained design problem is viewed in this way it is not surprising to find that it has led most of the thinking of CAD systems .
10 I arrive at the venue to find that it has been changed at a whim to another hotel across the road ( ’ It 's much cooler and we 've got a cosy corner in the lounge , ’ the PR man assures me ) .
11 Any record in the module which exceeds this width is flagged with in the right hand margin of the formatted line to indicate that it has overflowed .
12 So they choose to contend that it has not really happened : and in so choosing raise a timely question about the nature of political belief .
13 Leaf-roll sawfly This clever little beast is given a fair description and discussion in the answer to question number 52 on page 208 , which , with Figure 13 above , will enable you to spot that it has been on your plants .
14 While advances in information technology have so far done little to change the telephone itself — give or take a few microchips and memories — it 's easy to see that IT has had a dramatic affect on the underlying telecoms infrastructure , and the way we use it .
15 This is not to reject the approach out of hand ; but merely to acknowledge that it has weaknesses .
16 A governing party is apt to claim that it has a mandate for doing something which it said it would do in its election manifesto , or which it simply said it would do some time before being elected .
17 Where such qualifications may be allowed for certain warranties , the acquirer will probably require the seller to confirm that it has made all reasonable enquiries .
18 However , as the WPGET ventures into a 13th season , it is pleasing to reflect that it has been lucky not just for some , but for the majority of women golfers , both amateur and professional .
19 Quorum is asking the federal courts in California to rule that it has not infringed on Apple 's turf , and declare Latitude marketable with no infringement liability and enjoin Apple from making any further assertions .
20 Unlike the other mills powered by the Painswick Stream , there is no evidence to suggest that it has ever been anything but a corn mill , virtually all the others having been in the woollen cloth trade at some time .
21 Although this rule could be represented and applied within a symbolic system , it is reasonable to suggest that it has been ‘ learnt ’ by the evolutionary process and is embodied in the flies ' neurophysiology .
22 According to Henderson ( 1979 ) , ‘ no school can reasonably be so bold as to suggest that it has nothing to learn from other schools , from professional teacher-trainers or from educational scholarship and research ’ .
23 However , it is safe to assert that it has always had a strong emphasis upon personal development and upon the intrinsic worth of education per se ; and , equally , that a critical , open-ended and analytical approach , and a ‘ democratic ’ teaching mode , have characterised the provision of the RBs for many years .
24 But it is charitable to assume that it has something to do with the kind of critic that Pound is .
25 The smell of a dead coral is not easily forgotten — if your leather coral 's odour makes you fee nauseous it 's safe to assume that it has departed this life , and to throw it out .
26 Object Databases , the US arm of France 's Intellitic International , this weeks expects to announce that it has started porting Matisse , its object-oriented database , to Kendall Square Research 's KSR/1 family of general-purpose highly parallel systems based on OSF/1 .
27 Xerox is today expected to announce that it has called in New York investment banker Goldman Sachs & Co to try to find a buyer for the company .
28 Despite appearing to be dumping on IBM Corp from a great height with its agreement with Sun Microsystems Inc — it points out users can move CICS off the mainframe and that mainframe upgrades can cost up to five times the price of an entire Sparccenter 2000 , Micro Focus Plc was yesterday also able to announce that it has won agreement with IBM for an expansion of their long-term relationship in MVS emulation products .
29 IBM Corp is using the show inter alia to announce that it has equipped all 30 models of its ValuePoint line with multi-media technology , which will be available on a built-to-order basis , using Creative Technologies Inc Soundblaster boards and other third party products : MultiMedia ValuePoints will range in price from $2,100 for an 80486SX model to about $3,500 for a high-end 80486 DX2 system .
30 The Womens Artist Slide Library is pleased to announce that it has succeeded in retaining its Arts Council funding for the publication of Women 's Art Magazine and has been offered financial assistance towards the running of the organisation over the next year .
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