Example sentences of "[to-vb] that children be " in BNC.

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1 If you 're seeking a way to express frustrated emotion and thwarted love , then you need to know that children are individuals who come with their own rights and demands .
2 Adoption agencies in Britain take the greatest trouble to see that children are placed where they will enjoy a strong family background .
3 The way he expressed it , quaint to us today , nevertheless neatly points up the dilemma : If one government has a right to require that children be religiously educated , so has another , so have all ( whether … in Constantinople Islamism , or Pekin Confucionism … ) .
4 I believe that that is what parents want and that it is the best way to ensure that children are taught the essentials .
5 POLITICIANS seem to forget that children are the losers when they keep fiddling around with education , as is shown by this week 's fiasco over GCSE results .
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