Example sentences of "[to-vb] that if you " in BNC.

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1 Would n't it be good to know that if you had an accident , you could be referred — in English to a lawyer or doctor immediately ?
2 And it 's good to know that if you have to , you can .
3 But there were loads of spaces and I also happen to know that if you do n't stay long the hotel management does n't mind . ’
4 I do n't know if you would agree with that or what you think of that , and one might to combat that if you agree that is does exist ?
5 Because it is ground offensive in sand , you want to be able to see that if you 're being shot , we could n't we could n't do that , and it became questionable whether we were actually going to be able to see the ground or not , so we called it aboard .
6 Erm , I think I , yes Chairman , if , if , if you 're prepared to attend that if you 're saying that
7 But it 's important to remember that if you do have a grievance , you can only claim the money back from the company you bought the machine from , not the manufacturer .
8 But to get a diminished interval you 've got to remember that if you can have a minor interval , you 've got to go one semitone less than that minor interval .
9 However , we have no executive committee , and we have only one other meeting a year , erm , if you , I , I would like you to suggest that if you accept this restructuring of er , the organisation , and the fact that the members will not be attending other meetings during the year , you might see fit to allow the attendance allowance on this particular sub-committee .
10 It is all too easy to assume that if you improve your performance by 5% a year , you are making satisfactory progress .
11 People always seem to assume that if you work in a library , you should know all there is to know about books .
12 Ascott , there 's a race meeting there tonight and the Police tell me that it 's chock-a-block , so obviously try to avoid that if you can .
13 You have to believe that if you and she are going to go on living together . ’
14 We we were brought up to believe that if you did n't do the right thing you would be punished .
15 It may seem obvious but some appear to forget that if you do n't understand what a question asks you have little chance of answering it !
16 There is an additional aspect that erm we we must look also , I think , at the viability of the services and facilities , er , within the new settlement , if the new settlement is , for the sake of argument five hundred houses then my submission is that that really offers no long term viability for any facility or service , erm , clearly you might get a primary school if the new settlement size was of the order of eight hundred to a thousand dwellings , but you would not get any sizable retail element , and so however far that settlement was located from the main centre they would still become dependant on that centre , and that 's why I think it 's important to recognize that if you are to achieve the erm if you like the balance of requirements , of achieving erm a reasonable degree of self containment within the new settlement , but also meet the needs of York , it has to be a reasonable size , but located as close to York as possible
17 It stands to reason that if you can eradicate the fear the nervousness will subside .
18 It is important to realise that if you decide to get a car without using the Motability scheme you will have to pay the full costs of adaptations .
19 Yet women , of my generation were the first to have the chance to refuse burdens that just could n't be borne , to understand that it was possible to refuse them without censure , to realise that if you still could n't have everything , you could at least make some choices about what you could have .
20 I think it 's also easy to argue that if you take money out of government allocation for service delivery greater than the amount that is necessary , then actually , the people that are getting in in in the sense of capital schemes , the losers are the people that lose out on front line direct services .
21 Later we were to learn that if you travel with two dozen sledge dogs you see no wildlife .
22 And , to descend to crude practicalities , you are going to get very much less money for what you have done , though it is only fair to add that if you are lucky and clever enough to create a story that catches editors ' fancies then it can be anthologised time and again and in the end bring in perhaps as much as a full-length book that has failed to get wide paperback sales .
23 And er I like to think that if you 'd bought a nice full-nose Morris in nineteen forty five , and you wanted a replacement in nineteen ninety , you 'd have still got a reasonable Metro would n't you ?
24 If you can sell biscuits , you can probably sell crisps , but it does n't mean to say that if you can sell these you can sell dresses or bicycles .
25 As Menachem Begin recalled ‘ Ben Gurion used to say that if you 're pursuing a policy that may lead to war , it 's vital to have a great power behind you . ’
26 The only way to clarify this state of affairs is to say that if you see a cat 's pupils suddenly expand , without any change in light intensity or proximity of objects , then it is experiencing a state of strong emotional arousal .
27 ‘ I had a friend who used to say that if you burned a candle in your window and it burned all night , then the world would n't end while you were sleeping . ’
28 Suffice it to say that if you are cutting calories in order to shed weight at a speedy pace , every calorie counts .
29 But , at the risk of falling into this trap and adding wanking to the list of topics to talk about when I do an interview , I have to say that if you do n't wank , if you do n't have any orgasms , then your life is n't worth living .
30 But I do have to say that if you take the time off in the middle of term , I 'm afraid I wo n't be able to guarantee your post when you return to us . ’
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