Example sentences of "[to-vb] that people [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It makes me feel good to know that people want to hear my kind of music , the type of music I think is good .
2 When I raised it as Chairman at the General Management Committee , I was disgusted to find that people laughed at the very subject that was so important to women who 've come up here today to let us know the consequences of what was happening .
3 ‘ We used to find that people picking up a 2D spreadsheet from another audit would spend ages trying to print it out and find out what was in there before they could start work . ’
4 This is not an unsurprising phenomenon since common sense would seem to indicate that people interact more with those that are close than with those who are distant .
5 What we would be dealing with are more of the implications , or this is how , for whatever reasons , it has come to pass that people write journalistic stories in this kind of way — might there not be other , better , more adequate ways of writing journalistic stories ?
6 To avoid the complications of need theories it has become more acceptable to talk about goals , values or work orientations — i.e. to acknowledge that people have tendencies to return to similar ends or goals that seem to be ( sufficiently ) important to them to suggest an underlying theme , pattern or goal behind their behaviour .
7 It 's a useful way of getting a perspective on the present , to realize that people think and feel in such different ways , in totally alien ways , that are completely unsympathetic , which is why feminism is an interesting development , because the ability to read something written in a totally patriarchal tradition , and to make the sympathetic adjustment , giving him his due , recognizing that he could n't have thought what you think , because people did n't think like that then … .
8 It is important , however , to remember that people receiving such a therapy are seriously ill , and are hoping for a chance of improved health or longer life .
9 If so , would any election candidate care to suggest that people attempting such risky activities should be legally bound to have sufficient medical insurance to avoid being a financial burden on the NHS and delaying hospital treatment for those needing it through no fault of their own ?
10 The Passport Agency is using advertisements to suggest that people renew their passports at other times of the year .
11 To reject the picture is not to suggest that people did not have a very real experience of God .
12 Boy was not surprised at the kind of sex they had , because he had already learnt never to assume that people made love in the same way as they talked .
13 ‘ It is a mistake to assume that people think .
14 The distribution of wealth is important because one aim of the radical left should be to ensure that people draw an income from work , welfare and wealth .
15 I remind him that great improvements have been made not only in the amount of assistance that is available to people who are unemployed , but in the amount of assistance to ensure that people receive training so that they can get back into work .
16 ACET works with partners , family , friends and other voluntary and statutory organisations to ensure that people get all the care they need in the way that they need it .
17 Correct timetabling in rural areas is essential to ensure that people get to work on time , and the consultative committee could examine such matters .
18 Constantly monitoring the system to ensure that people know what is happening during the change , understand their roles in the process , and comprehend the total effort rather than only isolated elements of it .
19 Will he encourage all local authorities to ensure that people pay their bills promptly and will he ensure that future charges are reduced when that money comes into council coffers ?
20 ACET volunteers work as part of a team and provide help in many different ways to ensure that people do n't spend time in hospital unnecessarily .
21 Others have been suggested : to prevent the conduct of government business being unduly hampered and delayed by ‘ excessive ’ litigation ; to reduce the risk that civil servants will behave in over-cautious and unhelpful ways in dealing with citizens for fear of being sued if things go wrong ; to ration scarce judicial resources ; to ensure that the argument on the merits is presented in the best possible way , by a person with a real interest in presenting it ( but quality of presentation and personal interest do not always go together ) ; to ensure that people do not meddle paternalistically in the affairs of others ( query : can representative applicants be accused of this ? ) ; to ensure that the applicant has a personal interest not just an ideological concern in the outcome ( but , query , may not a genuine concern for the interests of others be neither purely personal nor purely ideological ? ) .
22 Yes yeah it 's basically a question there to ensure that people do n't just put down that they 're whatever they 're doing just purely
23 A great deal of work is being carried out by the Health Education Authority , the Department of Health and the Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food to ensure that people have simple and effective information about healthy eating , and a great deal is being done on school meals , with the particular help of the wife of our own Secretary of State .
24 There are 77 airlines at Heathrow and the Government expect them to act as immigration officials to ensure that people arrive with the right documentation .
25 when some security staff are located outside the hotel , they may need to be in constant communication with their colleagues inside the building , in order to verify that people arriving are bona fide guests , for example .
26 To believe that people have been sensible of God in other ages is not however to accept what I may call the ‘ vehicle ’ of the Christian myth which has carried their religious sensibilities .
27 It is not essential to Freud , to believe that people have an innate sense of guilt about murdering their near kin , or , or committing incest .
28 Yet the Profitboss is not so naive as to believe that people do not occasionally betray trust , do not occasionally fiddle their expenses , do not occasionally get sloppy and hire unnecessary staff .
29 Chris Young , Chelmsford : ‘ If you were to believe that people buy a record by The Smiths because they wish to change something , even if it is only the music industry , then you are being very naïve about things .
30 However , sociological accounts of the meaninglessness of boring work , and the experience of alienated working class labour , commonly fail to recognise that people respond surprisingly well to bad conditions , lack of control and a sense of exploitation ; they do seek meaning , enjoyment and structure .
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