Example sentences of "[to-vb] that she [vb past] " in BNC.

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31 Lee lead Meryl towards them only to find that she resisted furiously .
32 I just do n't want you having to face the pater only to find that she did n't mean half she said .
33 She 'd been ashamed to find that she found it such exhausting work , especially without the broad shoulders of Ross to lean on .
34 For all her gruffness and trying to hide that she loved Wilson , I knew she did .
35 Elizabeth raised a hand to indicate that she had heard , and guided the powerful beast into the lane .
36 She tried to smile , attempting to indicate that she knew it was n't his fault , that he had n't known what he was doing .
37 ‘ Or someone like her , ’ Belinda stressed , not wanting him to guess that she had noticed the brunette 's special interest in him .
38 He was amused to observe that she forced herself to be a blank when she picked up the bowl of pus and blood .
39 When he went round the corner to her room and knocked , she would have to pretend that she had been down to the kitchens .
40 I knew Flora cared no more about my opinions than about the opinions of the rather derelict Arabs , drinking Coca-Cola at the bar — probably a good deal less , in fact , since theirs would be useful copy for her — but she was kind enough to pretend that she did , drew me out and flattered me until I felt witty and successful and told outrageous stories about people we knew .
41 And if Feargal wanted to pretend that she did n't exist , well , who the hell cared ?
42 Sensations running wild , Shelley put her arms round him , holding him close , unable to pretend that she did n't want him .
43 I was moved to see that she had absolute faith in my goodwill , for she took the bag without glancing at the contents .
44 It was not that the family did not make her comfortable or spare any expense to see that she had the clothes and servants she needed , but rather that she found their way of life , their attitudes , their conversation , humour , tastes and ideas completely alien to everything she was used to .
45 Its warm radiance drove the shivers from her and she was glad to see that she had n't disturbed Antoine .
46 He was surprised to see that she had lost colour .
47 The heavy lunch and the wine had made her sleepy , and she took to her bed the minute they returned , only awakening when the hunger pangs assaulted her stomach , to see that she had been asleep for over three hours .
48 Her arm was stinging and as she looked down she was surprised to see that she had also grazed the skin there .
49 She was much too busy darting glances at Alain and then at Jenna and it was not hard to see that she had detected a certain restraint in the atmosphere .
50 Shelley was beginning to see that she had been put in a very special place of importance in Miguel 's confidence .
51 She got up at night to look at her asleep , to see that she lacked nothing .
52 But the clerk did not do anything to see that she read the letter and she did not read it .
53 There could be no doubt of Sidney 's perturbation ; he looked anxiously at his wife and was clearly relieved to see that she appeared unconcerned .
54 Mr Healey : ‘ I did send her a copy of what I wrote about her to see that she did n't object .
55 It seemed to Marie that people would only have to take one look at her to see that she did n't belong in these surroundings .
56 ‘ Well , if I am , Mrs Hamilton certainly must be , ’ she told him seriously , not wanting either of the doctors to see that she did indeed find the responsibility she was about to take on quite daunting now that she knew the full scope of Faye Hamilton 's problems .
57 But as he did he saw two hooded crows scutter along the cliff face and sneak down upon her , calling threateningly , and as she turned to them he was astonished to see that she moved clumsily , uncertainly , not as an adult eagle should .
58 And yet , even though her father had talked to her like one adult to another , as if at last he was ready to acknowledge that she 'd grown up and was making her own decisions , she 'd sensed the undercurrent of despair in what he was saying .
59 Historians are certain to acknowledge that she dominated the political landscape of the 1980s and a number of her policies will leave a mark in post-Thatcher Britain .
60 Nobody would ever get close to a man like Felipe de Santis and she refused to acknowledge that she wanted to get close .
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