Example sentences of "[to-vb] that the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Minton therefore had good reason to worry that the police might one day arrive to search the house , for one of the notorious aspects of the Montagu case was the disclosure that the police had done this without warrants .
2 This is to be expected , and it is reasonable for the vendor to request that the receivers of confidential information enter into such agreements , confirming that they will make no use of it other than for the specific purpose of evaluating the proposed buy-out .
3 ULSTER Unionist leader Jim Molyneaux urged the British government yesterday to accept that the talks framework is dead .
4 The resistance to devolution was so strong that the government was forced to accept that the bills should be ratified by referenda .
5 Where can Jenny have been , in the course of her adolescence , to be willing , if only out of nervousness , to accept that the Reds in Spain have been swept out from under the bed and up into mountain caves ?
6 If there is a serious departure from these laid down guidelines the auditor may refuse to accept that the accounts are a ’ true and fair view ’ of the financial affairs of the company and accordingly qualify the accounts to that effect .
7 The other , more plausible , avenue is to accept that the phenomena discussed would normally be established by linguistic means but that is in no way a necessary feature of them , and so no problem of principle need arise .
8 Daum now wants UEFA to accept that the rules regarding foreign players are for everyone else — but not for him because he had yet another excusable lapse of memory .
9 Schools seem less reluctant to accept that the difficulties some children experience may well point to a more general problem in school or classroom interaction ; and teachers who have been helped to respond more appropriately to those pupils whom they had found most difficult to teach , have found that in the process they were becoming better teachers to their other pupils as well , with their job satisfaction rising accordingly .
10 As for the Webbs ' insistence on the separate and restricted role for trade unionism , the practical effect was , once again , to abandon industrial democracy , to accept that the rights of working people at work remained the rights inhering in the property they owned : their labour , and nothing more .
11 Finally , I propose to call no person more than once to accept that the movers will have the opportunity of winding up at the end and I would please ask you to wait until you have been called .
12 Her mother never knew this , though , and because she had agreed to accept that the words ‘ action stations ’ meant that there was an urgent and valid reason for the conversation to be terminated she felt no sense of rejection .
13 In all our dealings with the head teacher we found that he consistently refused to accept that the methods of teaching at the school were failing our son .
14 He checked the police ID cards , and finally had to accept that the police would vouch for the social workers .
15 Marketers in Companies supplying industrial goods markets have therefore to accept that the situations faced by their companies in these markets are subject to a variety of different contingencies ( Or specific circumstances ) .
16 In Indochina , France became embroiled in one of the most complex of the post-war colonial conflicts , but it took time to accept that the days of European colonial rule were numbered .
17 Mr Dorrell continued : ’ In the past the Inland Revenue has , I am told , felt able to accept that the allowances paid to volunteers did no more than reimburse them for their actual expenses .
18 Again , most of us are happy to accept that the cortices of all mammals are , as units , homologous with each other .
19 He refuses to accept that the voters are fed up of electioneering in Langbaurgh .
20 How , for example , is one to know that the students have an understanding of therapeutic diets ?
21 Ten days and more of women 's films is a good way of recharging one 's batteries , and women thinking of going to next year 's Festival might like to know that the organisers will arrange accommodation with local families for 50F a night ( approx £5 . )
22 But for the time being conservationists everywhere are happy to know that the swans and the anglers are no longer rivers apart .
23 I had read enough to know that the figures for anorexics who starve to death or commit suicide are frighteningly high .
24 Our members need to know that the services and benefits that the union provide are available to them regardless of where they work .
25 It may be helpful to know that the courts have treated the following as contracts of sale contracts : to make and supply ships ' propellers according to a specification , Cammell Laird v. Manganese Bronze & brass ( 1934 H.L. ) ; to prepare and supply food in a restaurant , Lockett v. A. & m .
26 Almost as many men died behind the lines as did from going over the top , an old sergeant told Charlie , and it did n't help to know that the Germans were suffering the same problems a few hundred yards away .
27 She might like to know that the imports of manufactured goods amount to 17 per cent .
28 Anyone who , like Shoreditch , did n't quite get round to placing that bet on the Tories , may like to know that the bookies are now quoting odds for the next election .
29 I feel we will 've achieved significant progress if we have turned , I did n't know you worked in the United Kingdom , into it 's good to know that the rights and needs of children are just as important to you in the United Kingdom as they are overseas .
30 To be sure that a patient is truly regaining their health , it is of no value just to know that the symptoms of his complaint have been relieved , rather the focus of his disease has to be seen to be shifting into less important areas , that is , moving down the hierarchy .
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