Example sentences of "[to-vb] with [pron] they " in BNC.

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1 Considering the additional confusion caused by much industrial nomenclature , with many trivial and trade names , it is not surprising that many formulators prefer to stick with what they know and trust .
2 This follows from the principle that individuals are free to contract or not to contract with whomever they please .
3 The first viewing of a sequence can be done without sound so that the learner has time to think about the place , the people and the situation before having to cope with what they are saying .
4 and it goes through their , for the rest of their twenties , the rest of their thirties and most of their forties and then suddenly bang maybe something ghastly seems to be happening which they are absolutely unaware of , you know , they do n't know why they are crying or , or er unable to cope with whatever they ca n't cope with and that 's it , that 's them off and they start worrying about er osteoporosis and you know an enormous number of , of now medically defined problems of the menopause , and they may start going on to all sorts of things like hormone replacement therapy or even primrose oil or whatever the hell and they 're sitting there at an age when they are fairly loaded up with experience and maturity and all the rest of it and they do n't know what they are doing .
5 Some have expected to sleep with anyone they fancied who treated them to a night out — or , in the case of a man , expected bed for the night in return for dinner .
6 And suppose I did get through all they 'd say is it 's nothing to do with them they were n't even in the Company at that time — and how many of them were ? ’
7 Perhaps their uncharacteristic restraint was something to do with what they heard from the platform about BP 's business outlook .
8 Do most children think that keeping healthy is to do with what they eat ?
9 that both Gethwyn and Russell sorted out er who up on on those extremes that you get in a group that , that maybe feel they re that they really have nothing to , hardly anything to do with us they 've do n't receive ministry and why should that be , and after be asked each year , has to go up ?
10 The development of the inter-bank market enabled banks to lend for specified periods of time , repayment to coincide with what they expected to be periods of shortage .
11 But before taking the action some members will begin a vigil in Cardiff this afternoon to give the Welsh Language Education Committee ( PDAG ) one last chance not to co-operate with what they claim are the Government 's education ‘ quangos . ’
12 And I get the impression that they 're probably just quite happy to live with what they currently have , so I think it 's just .
13 Until such a time , the way remains open for doctors to vilify colleagues publicly with impunity and to mount ill founded and unscientific attacks on approaches to care with which they do not agree .
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