Example sentences of "[to-vb] with [pron] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 Everyone who has taken the trouble to contact them and to work with them speaks of their high qualities and commitment .
2 ( 3 ) To make " total loss " the only test of a condition is contrary to authority , for example , terms as to the time of shipment , delivery and payment have been traditionally regarded as conditions , irrespective of the fact that failure to comply with them does not always have serious consequences .
3 The title Duke of Cornwall and the estate to go with it dates back to 1337 , when Edward III created it to give his eldest son , the Black Prince , an income and somewhere to live ; it was he who decreed that it should always go to the eldest son .
4 Neither is there any screening of precariously unstable people , who might be unable to cope with what comes up .
5 The human mind possesses a special mechanism to shut off feelings of overpowering grief , leaving the bereaved person in a state of numbness and shock , until they are ready to cope with what has happened .
6 This is hardly surprising as it takes a very buoyant personality indeed to cope with what appears to be constant rejection .
7 ‘ They have to deal with what comes through the school gates .
8 ‘ They have to deal with what comes through the school gates .
9 It 's all to do with what happens to the fragments of pumice while they are in mid-air , suspended in the ash cloud above the volcano .
10 But besides that there 's a lot of other influences that come into it , and you must n't ever forget that it 's a song you 're playing — to me , that has absolutely everything to do with what notes you 're playing .
11 Likes and dislikes apart , the inheritance which matters most for our thinking at this stage is more to do with what has fashioned our inner responses , especially the responses which cause us discomfort , anger , anxiety or conflict .
12 Instead , most students begin with an introduction which is absolutely irrelevant , has nothing to do with what follows , and is never heard of again .
13 Nothing to do with what 's happened now , of course , I 'm not saying that , but you ought to tell them . ’
14 Who owns which bit of land and what they decide to do with it has always been of critical importance , and our landscape is the result of countless human decisions taken by individuals in the past .
15 The first aspect covered was to do with who owns problems and the notion that it is parents , not professionals .
16 They know as well as I do that it has nothing whatsoever to do with who heads a company .
17 One way of approaching the non-cultural ( or non-social ) aspects of psychological theory is to start with what seems at first sight like a simple series of internal inconsistencies in Freud 's work .
18 Oh well we 'll forget about the six to start with it takes too long .
19 In other words you can have what goes on in the brain at the hardware level does or at the level of nuance does n't necessarily have to correlate with what goes on at a high level description .
20 The sociologist of religion does not , however , want to stop with what happens to emerge in the relaxed situation of apparently normal conversation .
21 and if you look in the blue box , bottom left to begin with it says this chapter looks at the way in which human beings treat animals .
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