Example sentences of "[to-vb] that [pers pn] 've " in BNC.

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1 Whether you agree or disagree with what they do , you have to accept that they 've worked out a very complicated system of values .
2 I 'm asking you to accept that I 've got reasons , and not to ask me what they are .
3 to know that we 've got something tied up
4 ‘ Well , I 'm glad to know that we 've achieved that much at least , ’ she snapped .
5 You need to know what you 've got , not precisely the solicitor does n't want to know that you 've a house and three insurances and two bank accounts and a building society .
6 He wants you to know that you 've got those and you 've got a fair idea of how much you 're leaving .
7 To know that you 've won !
8 It may be a consolation for them to know that I 've been at the receiving end myself .
9 But it helps a lot to know that I 've balanced the books . ’
10 ‘ It may interest you to know that I 've just had Mr Standish on the phone .
11 You might like to know that I 've approached no other company .
12 ‘ In view of your opinion of me , it wo n't surprise you to know that I 've been out with a couple of the other men from the station over the past week , ’ Maria volunteered stormily , halting and then swinging round to face him again .
13 Sorry I 've had to juggle that we 've got some new documentation just being prepared for that but that 's being er .
14 How many times have you reached the top of a ladder , only to find that you 've forgotten to bring the power drill up with you ?
15 To find that you 've left a large space for a larege number of flowers none of which turn up .
16 With all the uncertainty and anxiety in our industry at the moment , it 's good to see that we 've not forgotten the needs of African farmers who anxieties are often far more acute than our own .
17 It is interesting , is n't it , that er I knew the road to Damascus was long , but I did n't realise it were that long cos on the second of July the Tories moved an amendment at P and R criticising us for spending money on the Lord Mayor 's car , but I 'm glad to see that you 've come back to the fold .
18 Yeah , but I mean paper qualifications do n't mean anything really but that 's what people want , they want to see that you 've got
19 This is got to confirm that they 've , they 've actually done the reading at home , yeah ?
20 Er can I just respond briefly to Mr 's first point to confirm that we 've absolutely no objection to a more detailed set of criteria being included in the plan than is contained in P P G three .
21 But er I just wanted to confirm that we 've no objection to more detailed set of criteria being included .
22 ‘ It 's difficult sometimes to remember that you 've had any other life , ’ he had said .
23 ‘ Well , ’ Angelica said , ‘ I want you to remember that you 've got friends here .
24 And you know it is wrong to suggest that I 've any motives in that quarter because , between you and me , I ca n't stand the man .
25 ‘ I 'm glad to hear that you 've found someone to help you with the children at last , ’ he said , sitting down on the sofa beside her .
26 Erm we 're pleased to announce that we 've appointed a new handyman
27 You see , we might need a doctor to testify that you 've been hurt . ’
28 I 've been taking it continuously for two years , and I want to stress that I 've been taking eighty milligrams a day ,
29 ‘ And you took great pains to stress that you 've steered well clear of them , ’ he pointed out .
30 Er in order to do that I 've got to give you various reassurances .
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