Example sentences of "[to-vb] he at [det] " in BNC.

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1 He CALLED twice at the station — only to be sent away with a flea in his ear — and LEFT his name and company address so detectives knew where to find him at all times .
2 And I hardly got to know him at all .
3 Surely no one would need to consult him at this hour ?
4 He stared out of his constricting net of anxieties and fears at this clean , smooth , well-intentioned boy , and wondered why he should be expected to make the effort to answer him at all .
5 That was not going to help him at all , even if it made Humber happier .
6 That said his fitness has to be 100% for Wilko to play him at all , and he clearly is liable to get himself sent off .
7 Still , it is good to see him at all , and I suspect his performance in Reflected Glory will linger in the memory …
8 After spying him through the kitchen window with Mrs Files , so much himself , so much not Francis , I thought I did n't want to see him at all .
9 I was able to accommodate him at each time , you follow what I mean .
10 whom he could trust , and he needed my youth to support him at this difficult time and so , like a fool , I had believed him and flown
11 He said they 'd call at eleven if they were going to call him at all .
12 Apparently he 'd fixed up with the travel agency which handled Dalgety 's bookings for you to join him at all the Grands Prix . ’
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