Example sentences of "[to-vb] it as the " in BNC.

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1 It was now no longer sufficient to accept it as the more or less automatic result of the existence of a number of completely sovereign States bound together by geographical contiguity .
2 This is perhaps understandable , but it is stretching credulity to expect us to bless it as the highest human freedom .
3 Rochlin ‘ feminizes ’ masculinity to just the degree required to rehabilitate it as the dominant term in the masculine/feminine binary , and he does this through the by now familiar move of positing homosexuality as the inadequate yet threatening third term .
4 Consequently , rather than viewing the totalitarian structure of the PCF as a source of oppression , it is more productive to view it as the chosen institution within which Nizan found not only political asylum but also emotional and moral equilibrium , a refuge in short which provided him with a necessary disciplined working environment .
5 Devices are available too for giving variable prominence to one or other of the participants in the process to identify it as the topic .
6 There 's a small band of enthusiasts who devote an enormous amount of time and energy to experimenting with it and who sometimes tend to hail it as the solution to every problem .
7 It is convenient to limit considered choice to humans , assuming a definition of ‘ consider ’ which requires the operation of verbal or other symbols , and to use it as the criterion for distinguishing the deliberate from the spontaneous .
8 In other words , he knows the language , in the sense of being able to use it as the rest of us do .
9 Endorsement of the Ericsson approach has come from the Deutsche Bundespost Telekom , which says that it plans to use it as the basis for a pilot network .
10 Since the Newbolt Report is the first , and indeed has remained the single most comprehensive official report on English , there has been a tendency to use it as the key to the most fundamental ideological impulses of the discipline .
11 His decision to use it as the basis for a grand narrative painting can be aligned with the revival of interest in Victoriana which the Festival of Britain had stimulated and which was especially noticeable in the graphic section of the Design School at the Royal College .
12 I decided to use it as the chance to turn my life around .
13 One , in the grounds of Tullie House Museum just outside the fort gate , was 12.2m ( 40 ft ) by at least 67 m ( 219 ft ) , with a substantial plank floor over a solid foundation , and may have had a military function ; attempts have also been made to interpret it as the base for a rampart surrounding an annexe to the fort .
14 It was decided to adopt it as the standard background , keeping open the possibility of using pieces of velvet in special cases .
15 ‘ Whit ’ was dropped from the title but people failed to recognise it as the old Bradford Whit Walk , so the event reverted to the original name .
16 For the non-obese patient over 65 years who needs a sulphonylurea , a short-acting drug like tolbutamide has much to commend it as the elderly are more prone to hypoglycaemia .
17 Bayonne has known many other military episodes than these ; moreover , you need only to drop one of the two n s from its name to recognize it as the birthplace of that sinister weapon , the bayonet .
18 The establishment of DATEC was by no means universally welcomed in the art world , many artists and designers being strongly opposed to links with TEC ; the Association of Art Institutions , for example , urged the DES to recognize it as the appropriate organization to represent all aspects of art and design education .
19 A Northern force faced with several desecrated graveyards and missing bodies in 1986 found it easier to describe it as the work of vandals .
20 There is insufficient evidence to include the Newton St. Loe pavement within this group ; it begs the question , therefore , to describe it as the example upon which subsequent pavements were based .
21 So , some other understanding of alienation is required to validate it as the dynamic which establishes a proletariat and a property-owning bourgeoisie as Marx 's two antinomies predestined to engage in that life-and-death struggle ; and Marx seeks to provide it by postulating alienation as intrinsic .
22 The first to supplant it as the final stepping-stone to the highest offices of the learned profession seems to have been the altmsli ( 60-akce ) class .
23 Reading the plan it is hard to see it as the centrepiece of what was billed as the world 's first green election , in September 1989 .
24 As evolutionists we are tempted to see it as the only kind of robustness that matters .
25 Once reconciliation has happened , it is important not to see it as the end of the process .
26 President of the Europe Commission , Jacques Delors , would like to see it as the only EC currency , but John Majors wants it to circulate alongside other currencies .
27 It 's perhaps perhaps easier to see it as the as the N As and the O Hs though okay or if we did it with sulphuric acid we 'd have hydrogen sulphate plus sodium hydroxide what 's that going to give us ?
28 The sovereignty of Parliament has been the linchpin of our unwritten and flexible constitution ; it can be traced back in our political practice and constitutional theory for almost three centuries ; and yet the constitutional authorities have come to see it as the fundamental constitutional problem needing challenge and change .
29 Secular books on the New Age tend to treat it as the latest fad ; the ‘ in thing ’ of the eighties , full of Alternative Types and quaint ideas about the ‘ good life ’ down on the organic , backyard farm .
30 Thus it is often convenient to treat it as the claim that no complex synonym can be provided which brings out the meaning of ‘ good ’ as say ‘ parent 's brother ’ brings out the meaning of ‘ uncle ’ .
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