Example sentences of "[to-vb] in [noun] as " in BNC.

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1 The most important things to bear in mind as far as voice is concerned are the frequency of use of active , passive , and similar structures in the source and target languages , their respective stylistic value in different text types , and — most important of all — the function(s) of the passive and similar structures in each language .
2 And I think the other thing that 's important to bear in mind as well as far as logging 's concerned is that a lot of the poor slash-and-burn cultivators that come in have come along roads that the logging companies have built , and these provide easy access , say straight into the heart of the Amazon or what ever .
3 It is common for pupils to grow in height as much as an inch and a half ; they appear to lose weight at the same time .
4 Certainly mention of Cailliet and Bédé brings back Eliot to a familiar uniting of primitive and urban as , after stating that ‘ I myself would like an audience which could neither read nor write ’ , he recalls Sweeney Agonistes ( published in book form in December 1932 ) and speaks of the poet as ‘ something of a popular entertainer … having a part to play in society as worthy as that of the music-hall comedian ’ .
5 For the rest , his exceptionally loyal publisher , James Laughlin of New Direc - tions , exerts himself to keep in print as much as possible .
6 Most of the SWAPO leadership in exile will start to arrive in Namibia as soon after April 1 as possible to begin their election campaign .
7 Lucy had to stay in bed as much as possible on doctor 's orders , Dad was spending more and more time on the golf course and in the pub to escape from what he called the ‘ pressures ’ , and Charles was in an increasingly pessimistic mood about the future of Chester 's .
8 He also said this kind of feeling is why he wants to stay in football as long as possible .
9 ORT is one example of the health care programmes which CARE is helping to introduce in countries as far apart as India and Peru .
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