Example sentences of "[to-vb] to [be] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Well the only people that I actually need to write to are managers or agents and I mean I give them a print out of what I do every day
2 Some good companies to write to are Badger , De Vilbis , Rotring , and Morris & Ingram .
3 17.11 Just as many young children come to school believing that they can read , so they will come willing to try to be writers .
4 We pray for the clergy associated with us ; for Ian at St Aubyn 's School , for Gill , ministering to the deaf community ; for Bill at the Prison ; for David at Mercer House ; for Richard and Phillip , chaplains to the university ; for Howard as he prepares to come to be curate here .
5 The line between misfeasance and nonfeasance is apt to be a fine one and the courts after some hesitation took advantage of this and held mere refusal to redeliver to be conversion .
6 Among the more fascinating of his cases is one of a woman ( whom I shall call Judith ) who , having regressed to being a young woman in a previous lifetime ( we 'll call her Alice ) , went on in a later session to regress to being Alice 's mother — who , it is interesting to note , had died at the precise moment her daughter was born .
7 NATHALIE PROVOST ( STUDENT ) : Let me say to all the young women of Quebec who want to study to be engineers , do n't give up !
8 It was obscene to pretend to be part of it .
9 This chapter does not ask counsellors to pretend to be doctors , but to question whether ill-health is not more concerned with social/emotional factors , such as poor diet and lack of fitness , than with normal ageing .
10 The classes that Harriet in fact chose to go to were logic , history , English literature and Greek .
11 ‘ If we are going to continue to be friends and write our poetry , we must come to some kind of arrangement , ’ Dana said .
12 The following article written by , the editor of the national journal of the NCT ‘ New Generation ’ , struck a chord with the branch committee members , and we hope that you too will want to continue to be part of NCT for at least the year 1991 !
13 They , they are entitled , if they elect to do so , to continue to be members of the local government 's evaluation schemes , so they are eligible and have applied for membership on it .
14 It is easier for the purchaser to deal with the creditors and debtors as they are likely to continue to be customers and suppliers of the business after completion .
15 We can apply the test to the technical and technological subjects , and not only those , but the professional subjects also ; and the boundary line will run now on this side , now on that ; but the things that it divides are different in kind , and only on one side of that line lies what we ought to allow to be education .
16 The last component of the rainbow coalition that I want to refer to is feminism .
17 The meat used to have to be pressure cooked for four hours to make it tender enough to eat !
18 The life companies had to learn to be distributors of their own products .
19 The only country worth trying to get to is Utopia , Opal , but one has to understand … .
20 On the other hand cl 6 of Precedent 1 deems delivery to store to be delivery for the purposes of the contract , so that risk passes despite s 20(2) of the SGA .
21 She writes : ‘ We have to admit to being workaholics and both love what we do …
22 For obvious reasons , few people were likely to admit to being Jacobites .
23 To pursue the question of whether that is so , would go beyond the limits of the present discussion , but it is worth bearing in mind , when the relations are discussed of biology to the social sciences , that an essential social science is likely to prove to be history .
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