Example sentences of "[to-vb] and [adv] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 I have to get to work and so must David .
2 If I just knew where he was prepared to stand and then could just sort of do the things round about .
3 Too much of some vitamins ( notably A and D ) can prove toxic : excess vitamin A or D can be difficult for the body to eliminate and therefore can act as a poison .
4 We find that Max homodimers bind to the same DNA sequence as Myc+Max but that they fail to transactivate and thus can antagonize Myc+Max function .
5 When you think of all the valuable things you ought to remember and never can .
6 It has announced its intention not to borrow and therefore will not expose investors to levels of high gearing .
7 There are so many products on the market I am at a loss as to what to buy and so would appreciate your advice on the type of shampoo , conditioner and spray which would make my hair look thicker and also which perm to try .
8 ‘ Without his help the police would not have known where to look and certainly would not have known where to recover this money , ’ he said .
9 They will be pleased to help and so will the suppliers listed , including , of course , myself .
10 Therefore if you issue a licence like this the local authorities can check up , market people can god own and make sure it 's not getting out of hand and the local police know the sort of traffic to expect and therefore can control .
11 Very occasionally she would come and tell me that it had been left so immaculate that she 'd had almost nothing to do and instead would remove some of the dust in the melin for us .
12 ‘ He will know what is the right thing to do and so will the people who manage the building where the fight is being held . ’
13 Cassette tapes and rolls of film had to be posted the following day in envelopes that were tough enough not to burst and yet could be easily opened by customs officials .
14 Responsible suppliers , who have everything to gain by maximising product penetration , will welcome the chance to contribute and usually will assist in every way .
15 In contrast , tax rates are relatively easy to alter and so may be the more appropriate means to adjust fiscal policy when changing economic conditions require action .
16 Their language is a restricted code , so they will not be able to formulate and hence will not be able to understand many of the things which middle-class children can formulate and understand .
17 You allowed this thing to happen and so must bear some of the guilt . ’
18 The goalkeeper is always to blame and always will be .
19 River ( 1964 ) affirms that if a response " is not reinforced by a satisfying or rewarding state of affairs , it will tend not to recur and so will gradually disappear from the individual 's repertoire by the process of extinction " .
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