Example sentences of "[to-vb] and [noun] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 erm sort of , at fir , you know , at first I thought sometimes you know oh , you know what 's the matter with you like but , she admits herself , her I Q , you know how they judge your intelligence has gone right down , she has to have tests every now and again , er she ca n't concentrate on things , or , you know some things she just ca n't do any more , so she 's at , supposed to be getting all this compensation and it 's been going on now , it was two years ago , three years ago that we met them and she 's only just had the first part of her money , she 's had five thousand pounds , that 's all she can get for the time being all the rest is , cos all solicitors and everything and doctors having to come and check things , so she knows , she knows she 'll get money eventually , but er , it 's just when , but is n't it an awful thing ?
2 To write and record songs and do world tours when I do n't have to is important because that is my , and the band 's , identity .
3 Some of these pupils will be helped by attention to task lighting and to a suitable position in which to work and view demonstrations .
4 The desire to conceive and bear children is a strong one in many women , not all of them in conventional relationships .
5 The short-term objectives include : enabling religious broadcasters to meet and share insights and experiences ; helping them to develop programmes which are relevant to their respective cultures ; and examining the forms and models of religious broadcasting authorities in different countries .
6 Library training co-operatives can undertake to fulfil , at little direct cost , many of the objectives currently fulfilled by external courses — for example , offering staff the chance to meet and exchange views with staff working for other authorities or in different types of libraries ; encouraging professional awareness and commitment to professional values — two of the indirect objectives that are sometimes thought of as the ‘ real ’ value of external course attendance .
7 This Conference will provide an opportunity for students and Student Enterprise Officers across Britain to meet and exchange ideas on Enterprise in Higher Education .
8 Spares service stocks means spare components for sale to customers to repair and service products previously sold by the Company or for use under services contracts .
9 The Social Fund replaced the previous system of additional and urgent needs allowances and grants , which had been an area of supplementary benefit responsive to demand and welfare rights pressure .
10 As President Julius Nyerere of Tanzania said in 1977 : ‘ The widespread addiction to cement and tin roofs is a kind of mental paralysis . ’
11 The steep hillsides made it more difficult to hide and transport cattle , and after the establishment of coffee plantations and gardens in the 1840s the crime must have become more difficult to carry out profitably .
12 They also had relatively easy access to markets for stolen cattle and a reasonable amount of forest land in which to hide and transport animals .
13 Parts were always going wrong , and half the time computers were out of action as technicians laboriously tried to find and remedy faults .
14 It is more demanding for a computer to process and store strings than numbers .
15 Another project , ‘ Developing pupils ’ thinking through topic work ’ , has considered the other dimension of projects and attempted to discover and document teachers ' practice during topic work lessons in primary schools .
16 Sitting in one position to observe and record appearances does not conform to the majority of our everyday experience of landscape .
17 We may now be able to observe and record strandings in ever-increasing detail , but we still know very little of what lies behind them .
18 Additionally , rainwater from roofs and pavements needs to be controlled and removed in order to provide a clean access and to avoid saturating the subsoil , which could lead to damp and foundation problems .
19 The Chancellor yesterday very kindly did not put V A T on books and periodicals but had he done so that would have the effect of taking more than one hundred thousand pounds out of our accounts in the current year without us being able to do anything about it and it does seem to me that we should be considering asking the members in general meeting to pass to the Council of the Association the right to set and increase subscriptions and having properly advised the members thereof to fix the effective date of such increases , otherwise we are very badly placed to respond to short-term problems .
20 Pop and I had never had much to do with a soldiers ' club-except for that brief time in Maymyo , which was more of a hospital than a club , but now we had to feed and house soldiers on leave , poor men who were tired and bored and away from their families .
21 A compacted stone base was the answer to bounce and drainage requirements , and a surface of special hard/porous mixture means that the pitch plays differently when wet or drying .
22 In the debate Gorbachev had at times unashamedly used his position as Supreme Soviet Chairman to bully and cajole deputies into accepting his arguments about the precariousness of his reform programme and the urgent need to " enhance the mechanism of executive authority , in order to ensure that laws work " .
23 Moreover , the buyer has an incentive to detect and report deviations from the price agreement , either by the seller in question ( under MFN ) or by other sellers ( under MC ) .
24 In January 1988 , the landlord wished to gain access to allow its insurers to inspect and affix sprinklers .
25 The range of synthetics is huge and there is a string being sold which will suit every type of player — from top spin baseliners to serve and volley experts .
26 Note that it is the responsibility of the LIFESPAN Manager to ensure that the storage directory name is valid , i.e. that the directory indicated does exist , and that it is unique to a Charge Code , otherwise problems may be encountered when LIFESPAN attempts to create and access modules .
27 Phenomenologists therefore examine the way that police officers reach decisions about whether to arrest and charge suspects .
28 Indonesia 's traditional performing arts , such as music and shadow-puppet shows , play a major part in the life of the ‘ media village ’ , attracting people of all ages and social and religious backgrounds to perform together and to talk and share ideas and concerns .
29 Stripped wooden floors do n't harbour unpleasant chemicals and are inhospitable to dust and house mites , which can cause allergies and asthma .
30 If it is stimulated every time we sit down then tremendous tensions will build up over the years ; these will give rise to neck and back problems , and will also be responsible for many headaches and migraines .
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