Example sentences of "[to-vb] be the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 All a buyer gets to see are the sample boxes opened on the trading floor , on the strength of which he negotiates with the merchant .
2 What we have agreed not to accept are the sort of damaging laws that nearly brought this country to its knees when we last had a Labour Government .
3 ‘ Anyway , since this case is under investigation by the judiciary , the proper person to inform is the magistrate in charge , Luciano Bartocci . ’
4 First to come is the Expression , based on the hatchback Merit in either metallic blue or pearlescent red .
5 If all they have to dread is the passing of a law , why behave as if such a law already exists ?
6 The first tier to meet is the subject examinations committees .
7 Does the Prime Minister agree that although there is scope for compromise on many matters at Maastricht , the one issue on which it is impossible to compromise is the difference between those who believe that Britain could and should join in a single currency and those who believe that we should not do so at any price and that we should never even have joined the exchange rate mechanism ?
8 One of the hardest things for women to bear is the way men reject tears as silly and irrelevant , when they know them to be important and valuable .
9 Long division 's pretty boring ; I think what I would like every child to know is the fact that long division is just repeated subtraction and all the methods long division do is to formalize that repeated subtracted .
10 Another thing women are beginning to discover is the benefit of networking — making contacts outside work at places like Club 2000 and Forum .
11 Now all I 've got to find is the cream !
12 Here , to differ is the equivalent of to be different , that is to say , the infinitive expresses its event as a state , more precisely as a resulting state , in this type of use .
13 What we 've helped to provide is the backdrop that makes it possible for today 's girls to grow into young women , and into women , confident in their lesbianism .
14 all this , all this , it is , it is for , cos what they 're trying , what they 're trying to work is the fact that er you 're supposed to have twenty one hours ' class contact
15 One that takes time to appear is the creation of a data base of information applicable to a whole range of products .
16 What he found difficult to accept was the size of the gap between winners and losers in a system in which inheritance could automatically make one a winner .
17 A taste of things to come was the meeting of 258 national and European parliamentarians in Rome in November 1990 .
18 His brass-faced clocks had only one hand and a calendar because , in the years before bus and train timetables and television programme times , all the Dalesmen needed to know was the hour and the day .
19 What they wanted to know was the form and composition of that interest , and how the presentation of the subject matter helped or hindered it .
20 The last part of old Halfa to disappear was the minaret of the Tawfikia mosque . "
21 The first thing to discover was the date of his birth .
22 One of the first to pass was the possibility of an easy collar , or any other kind of collar .
23 The only two dates I have ever been able to remember are the date of my birth and 1066 , the year that William the Conqueror first visited England .
24 Another issue which the Government is determined to tackle is the number of young people leaving school with no qualifications — 10pc at the last count .
25 Another avenue to explore is the possibility of pressing the flower belonging to the month of the birthday in question .
26 Another important rare process that lasers may help us to detect is the decay of the proton ( New Scientist , vol 85 , p 1016 ) .
27 Surely now just months before the Cornmill is due to open is the time to ensure the town 's assets such as easy town centre car parking are in good working order .
28 Last year your film correspondent , William Parente , suggested that the last real subject left for the British film industry to tackle was the Highland Clearances , a subject of relevance to the Gaels , their current political context , and to many thousands of Scots around the world .
29 However , the general managerial principle which the appraisal interviews seemed aimed to serve was the harmonizing of teachers ' professional development with the institutional needs of the school .
30 " I have tried to avoid being the kind of theatrical landlady one reads about .
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