Example sentences of "[pos pn] hand [prep] their " in BNC.

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1 The crowds in turn shouted ‘ no violence ! ’ and put their hands above their heads , as if daring the Volkspolizei , the people 's police , and the plainclothes men , the Stasis , to beat them .
2 The firing has ceased as we get to our feet , the Germans stand up , their hands above their heads leaving the wounded Officer on the ground .
3 Suddenly there were policemen everywhere who ran into the suite and made everyone get up against the wall with their hands above their heads .
4 Then people could be seen moving forward in Fahan Street , their hands above their heads .
5 Les Conn : ‘ Well , of course , the people were n't prepared for that kind of entertainment and they all put their hands over their ears , and Bloom started screaming , ‘ Get them off , they 're ruining my wedding party ’ .
6 The crowd put their hands over their ears .
7 This caused some of the other children to titter , quickly putting their hands over their mouths to stifle the sound .
8 ‘ I think it 's the acoustics of the hall , ’ said a Microsoft spokesperson , as people staggered around with their hands over their ears .
9 O'Rourke looked at Bartlemas and both of them opened their eyes wide and put their hands over their mouths in mock horror .
10 One or two hid their hands under their aprons .
11 ( They try ‘ West End Girls ’ but as they get to the line about The Finland Station , Wayne somersaults over the keyboard , does that crap dance that vaudevillians do where they move their hands across their knees , makes a shadow puppet of a seagull in the beam of one of the lasers , does the hitch-hike from Saturday Night Fever , and gobs on Derek Jarman .
12 They were sitting in a hollow in the centre of the orchard , their hands on their heads .
13 It 's an amusing game however , as you struggle for a seat out of the wind at the cairn to eat your peanut butter sandwiches , trying to guess which way everyone will go when they smack their lips , wipe their hands on their breeches and get up to leave .
14 All those putting their hands on their head are out .
15 The dancers appear to whirl energetically about with their hands on their hips , flung wildly out into the air , or waving high above their heads .
16 Indeed , after our second stop in Bombay a few passengers gratefully chose the option of being one-armed , one-legged , one-eyed , two-headed beggars rather than having to return to their seatettes and fly somewhere for a few months with their hands on their heads .
17 The clamour grew around him , Cranston and Athelstan moved closer , their hands on their wallets as the crowd was infested with naps , foists and pickpockets as a rick of hay with mice and rats .
18 Abashed , the audience sat with their hands on their knees , and watched on solemnly : a strange Mystery with no laughter .
19 Getting their hands on their own trains might seem attractive , but any manager tempted would be taking a big risk .
20 Frau Trauffer and her daughters came out of the kitchen wiping their hands on their aprons .
21 Police broke down a door at the back of the house and ordered four people inside to leave with their hands on their heads .
22 But for their own they put their hands on their hearts .
23 their hands to their cheeks and say ‘ beep , beep ’ . )
24 participants raise their hands to their cheeks )
25 No ; they fidget , touch their hands to their mouths , make interrupt gestures and can hardly wait for that momentary pause which will give them a chance to get a word in edgeways .
26 On the question of the government 's proposals I 'm entirely opposed to the er the idea that they should wash their hands of their er , obligations er , the nineteen sixty eight act as as a number of members know er , gave it as they are the duty of a local authority to acquire some sites for gypsies some local authorities er , obeyed that and er they actually provide the sites , like Harlow , other authorities just ignored it !
27 Later in 1974 , however , Eyre uncovered another masterpiece for the Royal Shakespeare Company with Frank Wedeking 's The Marquis of Keith , the tale of a cynical racketeer who exploits the German passion for kultur by projecting a ‘ Multi-Dome Art Palace ’ , for which various dupes are only too eager to put their hands into their pockets .
28 All the children stand in a circle facing inward , with their hands behind their backs .
29 They put their hands behind their backs and said , ‘ Oh , we 've all got chilblains at school . ’
30 The two prisoners , in their yellow raincoats , tried to get to the door , but the men in white knocked them to the floor and handcuffed their hands behind their backs .
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