Example sentences of "[pos pn] work be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I do some cabinet-making and joinery which produces a small income but most of my work is for the centre .
2 I think it 's important to understand that all my work is about demystification — both of the self and of the medical and family discourses which defined me for much of my life .
3 well erm , sort of in that erm , I was asked to come and do this talk , and so I , I organise to make sure that I had access to some of Gaugin 's work and then to write poems about it , erm , so , erm , only in as much as that it was a waiting to hear this talk , but a lot of my work is through commissions and so I find myself writing about things that I perhaps do n't have any interest in particularly , erm , or I find actually in a waiting , asked to write about anything is quite er exciting and actually using my skill I think it should be , as a writer I should really be able to write about everything .
4 Shape and form are of greater importance to me than colour , so much of my work is in black and white .
5 My work was during my student days , when much hampered with other cares , and I can excuse them for not thinking it what they would expect from their future minister .
6 Parents ( and much of my work was in the poorer areas of the inner city ) were better informed .
7 ‘ Most of my work was in Denmark and Sweden , then when I came back to England , Twiggy 's skinny figure was in vogue and mine did n't match up ! ’ she says .
8 Melanie , with her wholesome post-feminist lyrics , is keen to stress that their work is about ‘ getting in touch with ourselves ’ .
9 A more and more popular way for undiscovered artists to exhibit their work is on the walls of London 's restaurants and wine bars .
10 The afore-mentioned tendency of writers to insist on the fictionality of their work is to be understood partly in the context of the attitude here expressed by Borges .
11 Ultimately , if a journal editor is to be a gatekeeper of scientific knowledge , procedures must be in place to assure both readers and authors that their work is to be taken seriously .
12 As sources , their work is of crucial importance in understanding their world .
13 All the photographers taking part in our competition are winners in the annual Fuji Wedding & Portrait Awards , so you can be sure their work is of a high quality — as you can see from the sample here — in a variety of styles .
14 Local authority employment increased by 2.5 per cent over the same period , despite a reduction in refuse collection and disposal , the main field till then of tendering to private-sector firms ; ‘ although most of these firms claim to have a national presence , the great bulk of their work is in the South East and coverage of other areas is often patchy ’ ( Le Grand and Robinson , 1984 , 60 ) .
15 Firstly , the results of their work are of enormous interest in themselves .
16 All of their work was with the ball .
17 For both of them , their work was to be a spokesman for God , taking His message to people who did n't really acknowledge Him in their lives .
18 Though the two may have isolated similar problems , the political and intellectual context of their work was by no means the same .
19 Last time their work was in THE FACE it had to be censored .
20 Since a high proportion , normally at or near 100 per cent , of their work was in teacher education , looking at BEd proposals meant in fact judging the institution as a whole , and the CNAA knew from the outset that many of the colleges hoping for validation would not be adequately staffed , experienced and resourced to teach at degree level .
21 Yet a lot of her work is about fashion , style , ideas of beauty .
22 The sociologist as a ‘ citizen ’ has to ask about the uses to which his or her work is to be put ( see , for example , the discussion of Project Camelot in Chapter 13 ) .
23 If this is how her work is to be read , then we are of course back with all the problems of the kairos approach : why has history been what it has been and given what history has been what may be said of God 's intention in relation to women ?
24 But with a hit recording on cassette and CD , her work is at last becoming accessible to those outside California .
25 Since her work is among the most influential in feminist psychology , it demands a more detailed description .
26 The major part of her work is in the instruction of learners .
27 Her work was of a sensitive nature . ’
28 Much of her work was beyond reproach .
29 Much of her work was in microscopic petrology and mineralogy , interests which she had developed when training under Bonney .
30 Her work was in eclipse for most of the twentieth century , partly because of the disparaging account of her in Beatrice Webb 's diaries ( ‘ the little woman ’ ) , and partly because of her association with a subsequently discredited school of ‘ social economics ’ .
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