Example sentences of "[pos pn] children to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Or should I perhaps sit down in Salzburg with the empty hope of some better fortune , let Wolfgang grow up , and allow myself and my children to be made fools of until I reach the age which prevents me from travelling and until he attains the age and physical appearance which no longer attract admiration for his merits ?
2 ‘ All I really want is to have a home of my own and for my children to be happy . ’
3 I need my children to be writing and
4 Parents have a wholly understandable desire for their children to be happy , so ( not surprisingly ) signs of discontent , sadness and storm and stress , are not easy for them to bear .
5 Most people are keen for their children to be educated but despair at the kind of education they receive .
6 They were at an age when one often does not like eating very much ; and the Greeks , a poor race with memories of starvation , like their children to be well fed , and to be seen to be well fed .
7 Most parents expect their children to be clean by the age of 2½ years , but 16 per cent of 3-year-olds still show signs of faecal incontinence once a week or more .
8 They will be asked if they want their children to be tested at the age of seven and/or 14 .
9 In some cases it meant helping families who had applied for their children to be taken into care to find an alternative solution .
10 I , I emphasize , but some of his followers , took the view that anxiety , for example , in children , was pathological , and they , that generation of analysts tried to bring up their children to be free of anxiety , and , and then , you still get this in a lot of popular child psychology today , the idea that anxiety is always bad and always wrong .
11 They spoke , wrote and thought in German , often sent their children to be educated in the old country , joined and sponsored German associations .
12 They do n't want their children to be underspread everytime they walk out .
13 We believe that people should have the choice and the choice and the rights that most people want is for their children to be educated in schools without water dripping down the walls , where the ceiling does n't fall in , that does n't rely on temporary classes .
14 Add all this together and you have a formidable coalition of parents — black , Hispanic , Asian as well as the mainly Catholic groups like the Italians and the Irish — who want schools to be orderly , their children to be safe , the teaching to be orthodox and to concentrate on reading , writing and arithmetic .
15 Besides , the Queen did not like her children to be indulged .
16 She tells her children to be careful on the swings , but that 's not unusual .
17 ( Elsewhere , another angry gentleman of the period , Evelyn Waugh , had waited for his children to be of an age to converse with him , before taking an interest . )
18 Mr. White applied to the committee for permission for his children to be allowed to visit their mother once a month .
19 He could expect to be " buried , his children to be apprenticed , his wife to be assisted in childbirth and his daughter helped to recover payments from the putative father of her illegitimate child " .
20 Because all human beings are fallible , with individual fears and weaknesses , it is so easy for the foundation for a similar fear in our children to be laid even when we think we are doing our best for them .
21 As a society , we still want our children to be " innocent " and still demand sexual suppression from the adolescent group .
22 We 'll be married in the Catholic Church , and I 'll teach all our children to be good Catholics .
23 Parents want the debate on the future of education of our children to be held in public with all interested parties making a contribution , not ashamedly and secretly in smoke-filled hotel rooms .
24 Not allowing yourself or your children to be passengers in a car if the driver is the primary sufferer and he or she has been drinking .
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