Example sentences of "[pos pn] [det] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I was surprised to hear that he was married but I wanted a change of surroundings so I packed my few belongings and went with him there and then .
2 I WOULD like to convey my many thanks and praise to all the helpers , workers , nurses and priests , and to my Bishop , for the joy I received through their care and kindness at Lourdes .
3 Monty , my former editor and himself a great friend of Caroline 's father , proposed the health of the Bride and Groom .
4 [ in a frenzy of remorse ] O , how heartily I now despise all my former pursuits and headstrong appetites .
5 Good luck and best wishes to all my former colleagues and friends wherever they are .
6 Furthermore , I have also set in motion several of my own initiatives as well as sponsoring the suggestions of a couple of other departments .
7 I 'll make my own friends if I want to .
8 Now I have my own friends and we never really talk about it .
9 Although it might appears that this unit could be used to copy into EEPROMS , this proved impractical with my own computer because it is not capable of providing the longer write pulses necessary ( typically about 10mS ) .
10 But the most remark able thing about him was his hair , unusually long for those days , and abundant — of the palest , curly blond , exactly the moonlight platinum colour of my own hair when I was a little boy .
11 I plaited my own hair and then I straightened my ink-stained pinafore and we were ready to go .
12 I am the fountain sealed up , the walled garden where the lord Christ takes his rest at noon ; I am my Own grille and enclosure and the desperate bride vowed to him who blesses my chains .
13 I erm unfortunately , er , agree with the previous speaker that a very strong calvinistic streak runs through me and I believe in the two parent family and also in the efforts that you should make to keep the family ge together , but I think too , there 's sp , er , perceptions of individuals and particularly , younger generations now in society , are so much different from my own perceptions when I initially became married and started my own family but what society has to look at the perceptions and expectations of the individuals in society .
14 At this level the subordinate is saying ‘ I 'm helpless to solve my own problems so I need a wise person ( Parent ) like you to solve them for me . ’
15 My own preference when using these elite units is to mass them in a body to provide the heaviest punch possible and then unleash them against one section of the enemy line with the hope that the breakthrough will start a general rout of the enemy force .
16 I rousted Thessy out of his bed with a cup of tea , then went to my own bed as he took over the wheel .
17 ‘ A little later , after a lazy bath , I stretched out in my own bed and fed my new baby .
18 I stared down at my own bed and accepted Benjamin 's conclusions .
19 One foreign ministry clerk in the early years of the twentieth century " soon decided that it was not worth the trouble to go to the office to sleep when I could sleep more comfortably in my own bed or pass my time in more interesting or more amusing tasks " , while an Italian ambassador is said to have spent only fifteen days of a year in residence in a post which he disliked .
20 I long for my canvas and easel where I am my own master and the world is my own . ’
21 I 've found with my own teaching that if a player wants to move away from a purely diatonic mode of improvising , their initial steps are dogged by their own reaction to the chromatic tones , by perceiving them as sounding ‘ wrong ’ somehow .
22 ‘ I want Steve to have something good to remember , and I 'd like to fulfil my own dream before it 's too late .
23 ‘ I can go to my own bathroom and see to things myself , ’ Maggie said with an anxious look at him .
24 And it was shortly after that when I retreated to my own cabin and the comfort of a Freezobalm .
25 Now I ‘ m free to make my own choices and to live my own life .. ’
26 I got my own home and it ai n't got a broken window .
27 Now , I 'm enjoying having my own home and own bedroom .
28 Well I erm , I was , I was burgled about a year ago and I 'm am ex er , I 'm a retired criminal lawyer , and , but I , I felt that if I lived in the States and trained in the States and I carried a gun then and I felt very vulnerable in not having a gun because he , I was in my own home and he fist me with a knife
29 Like the other women , I 'd recently left my own home because I could n't carry on there any longer and I 'd been given safe spaces by friends with room to spare .
30 I will end my days in my own country and that is certain .
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