Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun pl] to the " in BNC.

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1 With this in mind , I sent my plans to the Special Air Service Regiment , reputedly the best collective authority in Britain on desert survival , and asked them to comment .
2 While he was knocking himself off , I was preparing to make my introductions to the sidewalk .
3 ‘ I put my views to the Chief Secretary , ’ he said calmly , ‘ before he left for London .
4 I mean in so I I come here today with a petition that I presented that also talks about proposing to abolish the merger , I mean this is a move just one step away from that but I still feel in what was proposed at the last full council meeting and I would express my views to the officers that in light of what has been suggested today is actually implemented to the wording as it stands because the joint working party that had been er written up previously never did meet although if I can inform it was only the officers who actually met up and I hope that in light of all the working group and the two heads of centres covering for each other would be implicitly applied .
5 Mrs Thatcher does n't care and Katie 's pregnant and alone , ravishing Reagan 's over there and I 'm working my fingers to the bone .
6 ‘ You could say that I had worked my fingers to the bone for you ! ’
7 However , David Chadwick , a member of the Liberal Democrats group on the council , said : ‘ All my requests to the chief executive of the council for financial details about this company have been turned down .
8 I got back to the office and explained my doubts to the analyst .
9 I would n't want to prompt their disapproval and anger , so I try to eat less and my trips to the biscuit tin become fewer , or more sneaky .
10 During one of my trips to the USA in the 1960s , Shaheen telephoned my hotel one day to say that he had arranged for me to have lunch with Richard Nixon , who at the time had not yet declared that he would run for the presidency in the election of 1968 .
11 I did n't have a Valium injection and I did n't have laughing gas ( who needs that when you 've got an entertaining toothbrush ? ) , and I did n't cry or faint or bite the hygienist or do any of the things normally associated with one of my trips to the dentist .
12 For the first time in my life I could not confess all my sins to the priest .
13 And with an involuntary movement I raised my eyes to the sky — where God was — beseeching Him , wanting Him to see my fear and my contrition .
14 I opened my eyes to the sun riding high over Fair Hill .
15 I opened my eyes to the sound of yet more crashing of dustbin lids , gales of laughter and the occasional scream coming from behind the bushes .
16 As so often occurs in these situations , I had become blind to the obvious — that is , until my pondering over the implications of Miss Kenton 's letter finally opened my eyes to the simple truth : that these small errors of recent months have derived from nothing more sinister than a faulty staff plan .
17 The same Hebrew word for helper used in connection with Eve is used in Deuteronomy 33:29 when God is described to Israel as their shield and helper , and in Psalm 121:1 , ‘ I lift up my eyes to the hills — where does my help come from ?
18 Yes , it opened my eyes to the plight of socialists and Labour Party members in England and to the fact that not all the English voted Tory , particularly in the north .
19 I returned my eyes to the axe .
20 Embarrassed , I dropped my eyes to the hymnsheet in front of me .
21 But I keep my eyes to the front .
22 ‘ It has opened my eyes to the value of self-development , showing that people can acquire new skills without having to resort to external courses . ’
23 My respects to the captain and ask him to join me for breakfast at , say , eight-thirty .
24 I also wished to pay my respects to the Curator of the Natural History Museum , the late Finnur Gudmundsson , who had been so helpful in planning the trip .
25 I had better go now and pay my respects to the petty bourgeoisie .
26 I felt like kissing the dinghy , and I 'm not sure that I did n't put my lips to the rough friendly fabric of her snub nose .
27 I retraced my steps to the square where Kennedy had been given the Freedom of the City ( an empty honour ) , and explored a network of narrow shopping streets .
28 Retracing my steps to the town centre , I came upon a street named Harmony Hill , the title of a book of short stories by the late Richard Phibbs ( Curlew Press ) .
29 My thanks also are due to Miss Mary Burkett and her staff at Abbot Hall , from whom I have had help and co-operation since the start of the survey in 1975 ; to Mr B. C. Jones and Miss S. J. MacPherson , County Archivists , of the County Records Office , who have given generous help and advice ; ; to Marie Hartley and Joan Ingilby , whose book first aroused my interest in the stocking trade ; to my fellow members of the Lancashire and Lakes Guild of Spinners , Weavers and Dyers for encouragement and support ; to my granddaughter , Anne Allen , who took the photographs , ( except where otherwise stated ) ; to my daughter , Jan Hare , who typed the manuscript ; to my friends , Penelope Porter , Kathryn Allen and Mary Sutherland , who gave technical advice , reviewed text and read proofs ; Elizabeth Edwards and Kathleen Drummond for advice and information , and above all my thanks to the many kind people who live where there are galleries , and who have put up with my enquiries with such patience and kindness .
30 ( my thanks to the somewhat bemused friend I just telephoned and asked to tell me the first ten objects that came into her mind — though I do wonder about her and what made her choose those particular objects ) .
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