Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun pl] make her " in BNC.

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1 But at last she made an effort to pull herself together , and , dragging herself from the bed , she went to the wash-basin , where splashes of cold water to her eyes made her feel more normal .
2 She worked crouching down , and the infinitesimal pace of her labours made her feel like an ant , toiling away earnestly at a microscopic task .
3 His arms went round her and eased her against his chest , and the brush of his body hair against her nipples made her cry out .
4 Merely viewing its contents made her feel better .
5 Glimpses of her stories made her smile .
6 His words made her feel an odd glow of warmth deep inside her , and her tears dried up .
7 Something about the angle of his shoulders made her want to reach out to him .
8 What she saw in his eyes made her catch her breath .
9 The gleam in his eyes made her uncomfortably certain he knew perfectly well what she 'd just been thinking .
10 ‘ Goodnight , Rob MacDonald , ’ she whispered , and he reached for her and kissed her gently , the sadness in his eyes making her suddenly afraid .
11 Picking up his letters made her hesitate .
12 His deduction made her heart stop , and his choices made her feel as if she was being torn apart .
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