Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun pl] and he " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Then I spoke to one of my contacts and he said it was on the money .
2 And he lifted his head and his eyes saw my eyes and he smiled .
3 I opened my eyes and he come rushing over and he said , are you alright ?
4 ‘ I gave him a quick flash of my headlights and he immediately slammed on his brakes , ’ he said .
5 My work is my cork and my ideas are my ideas and he ought to leave them alone , I say .
6 and he goes why were you in my , why am I in my underwear seen my pants and he goes ah , here 's a message on my knee and he goes P S Sue Carpenter and they look at each other and they go , Sue Carpenter whoooo and then the mouse traps go off and it ends with them going
7 My masters and he understand one another now . ’
8 He was always waiting , very receptive to new ideas and so he did like people and organizations to present their views and he did like to hear discussion .
9 A shudder ran through him at the touch of her fingers and he drew her closer , crushing her against the powerful length of his body so that she could feel his heart thundering against her breast .
10 ‘ There is a phone in number for viewers to air their opinions and he called in and said he was furious about what had happened to this poor woman and wanted to give her the money so she could buy presents for the boys .
11 She caught the ring at last between her teeth and he tickled her until she laughed and gave it up .
12 When they came in to work they park their cars and he was playing in the car park .
13 In that instant it came to Ruth that he did know her ; but before she could be sure his hands left her shoulders and he went leaping round the side of the hummock , his long coat flapping , straight towards the spear men .
14 His warm hands moved smoothly over her shoulders and he gave a short laugh .
15 He shifted her so she stood in front of him ; his hands settled on her shoulders and he drew her back , so his body braced hers .
16 Obediently , they bowed their heads and he dusted his hands as if they had been contaminated .
17 She put her finger to her lips and he watched in astonishment as she opened her dressing to reveal that she had nothing on .
18 His mouth left her lips and he muttered in her ear , ‘ He 's coming … ’
19 He could see the beginnings of fear at the back of her eyes and he kept quite still .
20 There was a savage splendour to his aroused body , and Maria called his name faintly , from far away , it seemed , as blood drummed in her ears and he took her into his arms again , sinking to the bed with her .
21 Dad often helps folks with their gardens and he is going to ask them to give a donation to Camphill Development Fund instead of giving him a present .
22 He had never liked questioning a child about its parents and he did n't propose to do it now .
23 Without warning she towered to her feet and he found himself facing into her breasts before stepping back to give her room to pick up gloves and handbag .
24 Elinor on the bed , hair falling out , vomiting , losing the use of her limbs and he and Donald , over by the window , voices low , faces discreetly grave .
25 His hands moved lower across the smoothness of her belly to her hips and he explored the marvels of her body .
26 If the hon. Gentleman is to be consistent with his opening sentence in which he quoted AMMA 's report , he must proceed to argue — rightly — that the Bill is confused and inadequate for its purposes and he must tell us what revisions he will seek .
27 Turnour seems to be happy to be insulted as he enjoys putting people in their places and he was used to it and relished it .
28 There were tears on her cheeks and he carefully eased them away with gentle fingers .
29 However , before he had time to dwell on the thought , another stronger jolt shook him when his fingers grasped her wrists and he pulled her hands away from her face .
30 ‘ A young couple called about putting up their banns and he has to talk to them , but he wo n't be long .
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