Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun pl] [vb -s] the " in BNC.

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1 One of my officials chairs the experts committee that laid the groundwork for this achievement .
2 ‘ Every single car that comes through my hands gets the treatment , ’ the father said .
3 The diamond ring presented by two out of three Anglo-Saxon swains to their fiancées declares the enduring nature of their mutual love , just as the fact that the ring bestowed at their wedding , traditionally made of untarnishable gold , marks the entry into a permanent relationship .
4 A school that loses sight of its values runs the risk that it ceases to be a school at all , and becomes instead just a learning centre , the sort of educational service station that the sub-text of the 1988 Act seems to envisage .
5 Scientia , or scientific knowledge , consists of syllogisms such that the derivation of conclusions from their premisses mirrors the ‘ flowing ’ of properties from forms .
6 The lumpy smoothness of all its surfaces reinforces the sense that Plenty is something organic , something that was generated , not constructed .
7 The section on the analysis of anti-infectives and their metabolites covers the analysis of a wide range of anti-infectives — from β-lactam drugs to antivirals such as AZT — by using both chromatographic and immunoassay techniques .
8 Bowing to their demands puts the new government squarely on the side of the anti-reformers .
9 The sum of the first two gives the number of days in the week , the sum of all three gives the number of months in the year , and the sum of their squares gives the number fifty .
10 For example , a loan agreement may provide that a disposal of the assets of the holding company or of any of its subsidiaries requires the prior written consent of the lender .
11 He recognizes the mythology of its English adherents , in which all criticism of their ideas attracts the charge of ‘ a characteristically insular suspicion of nasty foreign ideas ’ , but he is prepared to risk it , continuing :
12 Looked at from the other side , it should be realized that blandly-flavoured foods reduced the strong and exotic taste of many herbs , and this is where the secret of using herbs in cooking lies — to use herbs in such quantities that the strength of their flavours balances the strength and flavour of the food to which they are added .
13 Some male damselflies stay with their mates after copulation and fight off any other males who come near ; only after the female has laid her eggs does the male leave her .
14 Reducing their earnings lowers the airline 's cost curves and therefore will most likely cause the airline to reduce its prices .
15 However , the fact that contractors have allowed Thames to bore a hole in their earnings reveals the true nature of the relationship .
16 The resulting sharp drop in its levels causes the lining of the womb , along with the unfertilised egg , to be shed .
17 Here , in the work of Picasso , the device of fusing or merging the subject with its surroundings allows the painter to insist on the surface unity of the picture but also has the same effect of allowing the spectator to reconstruct form beyond the boundaries stated .
18 The continued political marginalization of the cities and their inhabitants raises the question of urban disturbances .
19 Lison-Tolosana , for example , has shown that suffering imposed by elders on their juniors leads the juniors to take a more or less hostile and reactive view of history ( Lison-Tolosana , 1966 ) .
20 The Institute 's initiative in providing this service to its members has the support of the Review Panel and the Department of Trade and Industry , as well as the Auditing Practices Board and the Accounting Standards Board .
21 Indeed , his account of their interests gives the impression — and perhaps gave the same impression to Lanfranc — that they were a lot of old gossips chattering about wonders and miracles and gifts of relics , when they should have been engaged on more serious religious observances , or on the studies laid down in the Rule .
22 Amalgamating their insights produces the following factors which indicate the problematic nature of teams in schools :
23 They are a work force crying out for engagement and reward , a force moreover that from its roots understands the value of technical skills , and of education allied to technology .
24 A modern statue of a shepherd carrying a ram on his shoulders symbolizes the place 's dependence on the wool trade .
25 ‘ And the last man on his feet gets the extra hundred mil in foreign aid .
26 Therefore , any action in this play which involves Hamlet or his ideas involves the main purpose ; and without Hamlet himself there would exist no situation .
27 You can almost hear the excitement pouring out of the Master as one of his pupils gets the hang of something he 's been teaching and modelling for the past year .
28 But one of his ex-offenders says the system is not enough on its own .
29 Froissart in his Chronicles describes the probably schizophrenic Charles VI , who set out on a punitive expedition to Brittany , in spite of being ordered to rest by his doctors , who had evidently recognised the signs of an approaching attack .
30 This is because , first , ‘ the sovereignty of Parliament , as contrasted with other forms of sovereign power , favours the supremacy of law ’ and , secondly , ‘ the predominance of rigid legality throughout our institutions evokes the exercise , and thus increases the authority of Parliamentary sovereignty ’ .
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